What’s In Your Wheelchair?

Admit it. We’ve all done it. After transferring into bed at night, you realize you’ve been rolling around all day with some embarrassingly bizarre object that has somehow  attached itself/instered itself into your chair.

It’s fess-up time, people. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever found on your wheelchair, that either you unknowingly, or someone else, put there?

Here’s my list:

– Makeup pencil sharpener that hitched a ride on my footrests all day.

– Makeup brush that managed to fall alongside my ass on my seat cushion.

That’s where that went?!

– Beach sand from Sanibel Island in FLORIDA that was still in my wheelwell, discovered after I had been back at home in MN for 6 mos.

– French fries, popcorn, and other tasty food (no, I’m not saving it for later).

Your turn!

– Tiff

It Was Just a Matter of Time…

Wheelchair Bomber Kills 3 in Iraq Police Station

The bomb was hidden under his seat cushion, which security failed to check…obviously.

Great, thanks crippled (or fake crippled) terrorist-man. Now I’m going to have to endure an even more extensive & personalized search at airport security, thanks to your ANNOYING retarded terrorist ass.

The terrorists are getting desperate, that’s for sure. This is almost as bad as when a couple of weeks ago, two Iraqi women with Downs Syndrome were used as suicide bombers. This wheelchair bomber probably willingly killed himself though, unlike these poor ladies.

I always knew a wheelchair was a perfect place to hide a bomb. It’s funny it took terrorists almost 8 years to figure this little factoid out. Losers.

– Tiff