“Body of War” Now on Netflix

And they’ve given it the awesome “Watch Now” feature, so you don’t have to wait for it to be mailed. Rock.

Check it out: “Body of War” on Netflix.

Since Obama won, this documentary about a paralyzed vet from the Iraq War (along with Phil Donahue, a co-director of the film) has been getting tons of buzz, especially when you compare it to the buzz it received initially (not a lot). After it premiered last April, sure it got some above-average reviews at Sundance, and was shown at conferences around the country, but that was the end of the “Body of War” hype. But now, with the possibility of the US pulling out of Iraq stronger than ever before, movies like this I’m assuming are going to continue to be catapulted to the forefront of the public eye. 

And is it just me, or does Tomas Young look a lot like Seth Green (except hotter, and with brown hair)?

Anyways, I know what I’m watching tonight!


Shame on You, NBC

While last week’s Election night results were pretty awesome (except for Prop 8 and Michelle Bachmann winning. WTF Cali and Minnesota?!), NBC’s Election night coverage could’ve been better.

Now why do I say this? Well, check out this excellent blog about how they VERY poorly failed to recognize disability as anything but a liability (if you’re a politician that is).

Things like this must be brought to the pundits’ attention.

– Tiff