No Free Rides Episode #105 – Josh Winkler’s Epic Fight Against the System

josh2In podcast #105, Tiffiny is joined by Josh Winkler, a C6 quad, engineer and accidental advocate. A resident of Colorado since being discharged from Craig Hospital, Josh has been determined since Day One to be as independent as possible, but this isn’t easy when the system is broken, which Josh contends.

They discuss Josh’s injury story in his teens to his days working for NASCAR as an engineer. They also discuss the various opinions PWD have regarding the word “cripple,” whether they think it’s offensive or just plain practical. But more than anything, tune in to hear one of the most passionate disability advocates in the US right now.

– Visit his site: Cripple Concepts

– Visit his YouTube channel: Crippie Boy

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Show run time is 70 minutes. Listen via the player below!

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