Hats: A covering of the head. A way to retain body heat. And of course, a lovely head decoration, a.k.a., the most fabulous accessory (next to printed stockings) that fashion has ever seen! w00t!
I’m lucky. I have a hat face (or at least people have been telling me so for years). They could be lying, boosting my ego, but who cares, I’ve developed a fetish for hats and it’s sayin’, friends 🙂 Let us also not forget how majorly kick-ass hats are in the “Easiest Way to Look Stylish from a Wheelchair” department.
With that being said, my hat fetish was fully appeased this Fall when the “Cloche” style hat from the 1930’s returned to the runways. I want one bad. Correction: I REALLY want a vintage one, but I can bet you a pretty penny it’ll cost me a bit more than Nordstrom’s $118.00 version.
So hey…know where a girl can get a cloche hat on the cheap?
– Tiff