Subways have no mercy on us gimps!

So be careful, all of you city-dwelling, wheelchair-usin’, subway-riders out there….or else this awful thing could happen to YOU!

Fresh from the New York Post: Subway Clips Wheelchair-User in NYC

She’s alive (she’s some 50-something lady, disability not yet released), but has serious head injuries.

And as we all know head injuries = MAJOR owies. Usually, unhealable owies too.

Poor thing. What a way to go.

– Tiff

Wheelchair Fashion? Oh Yes, There Is Such a Thing

With the onset of Fall, comes for most women in my age range, the time (or the excuse rather) to venture out to our local favorite malls, in search of several new outfits for the change of the season. With Fall invariably comes cooler weather (unless you’re lucky enough to live in a part of the world where it never gets cold. Then boo on you), and each season, the most powerful designers of the world – Versace, Gucci, Guess, Issac Mizrahi even – create new lines of clothing that less-expensive retailers, Macy’s for example, replicate for half the price, then sell to us.

But for the cheapest of the cheap fashionistas (points to herself), even Macy’s is usually too steep for our budgets. Instead, we shop at Target, discount stores like Marshall’s, TJ Maxx, and even Nordstrom Rack. I refuse to pay over $30.00 for a top, and over $50 for a pair of pants or a skirt. I make an exception for shoes though (they’ve my weakness). I’m willing to pay close to $100 for a pair of round-toe stacked, Steve Madden heels if they’re cute enough. And accessories? $15.00 max; and that includes hats, jewelry, purses, scarves, etc. Thrift stores are my best friend actually when it comes time to purchase new accessories. They always seems to have the coolest, quirkiest accessories that actually make a fashion statement. There’s nothing I love more than buying a weird, strange item that actually “works,” and is something that no one else is doing. Wheelchair or no, as you can see, I refuse to let my disability put the brakes on my love of fashion. What can I say? I’m vain. (Hey, at least I admit it. Unlike some people…).

It’s no easy feat however looking good from a wheelchair. It takes a lot more time and effort and above all, PROPER FIT, to make yourself look good while sitting down 24/7. My goal since 1996 has been to perfect the art-form of looking good while seated; and I think I’ve come damn near perfectly close in knowing about everything there is regarding this subject. Being OCD definitely helps in this area of my life; it helps me cover all the ground so to speak.

I published an article here on Disaboom regarding this very subject entitled, “Wheelchair Fashion Manifesto,” that you should definitely check-out if you’re looking for some pointers on how to cohesively make fashion and being in a wheelchair look totally hip.