This Monday’s beauty product recommendation is courtesy of the uber-glam goddess from sunny Florida, Miss Meaghan G.
The Eyecurl II, a heated eyelash curler that requires no finger movement to operate (only wrists), is hands-down the most awesome beauty product I’ve seen in a long ass time (and the underfed Kate Moss apparently agrees).
You can get this nifty curler from various online locales (including Ebay and Ecrater), and I’ve seen it go for as little as $6.99 all the way to $16.99, so don’t be afraid to shop around.
If you’re wondering how this thing actually works, simple: The curved heated wand, when pressed under the upper-lash line and slowly lifted upwards, causes the lash to curl….thanks to the heat. And FYI, you’ll have the best results if you use mascara first. Think of your mascara as a rockin’ glue.
And yes it’s true, curled eyelashes make an immense difference to your face.
Curled eyelashes make your eye look exponentially bigger; not Disney-esque, but close :/
– Tiff
yes. Yes.YES. This has changed my life. forever.
if it wasn’t for you, girl, i’d be going around with retardedly straight eyelashes for the rest of my days. you rock
Way cool. After my next dye job, I’ll curl these suckers. Sure hope I don’t knock anybody over when I blink………
The idea of a heated device that close to my eyes scares me, especially with my unsteady hands. Does it get burn-y hot, or just warm?
no, just warm. i was worried about the same thing, but take it from it from me, there’s no way it could burn ya.
kath, you’ll look like a million euros.
like 5 MILLION lire! wait. i don’t think its that much money… lol.
a/b burning:
i always touch my nose with it to see how hot it is. it does not get that hot. no where near curling iron hot.
Interesting. I’ll check this out!