Seriously people. What the fuck is wrong with people?? As you’ve probably already heard by now, a quadriplegic dude got dumped out of his wheelchair last week on purpose, because the fucktard of a deputy didn’t believe the guy was paralyzed.
I honestly don’t know how she couldn’t have figured out he was the real deal: What? The bizarre quaddy hands, the atrophied legs, THE OBVIOUSLY USED WHEELCHAIR, weren’t enough proof? What an ignorant waste of space.
I’m sorry, but if that quad would’ve been me, I can guarantee you that the hardest bone in the human body, the elbow, would’ve been in her face so fast that she wouldn’t have known what hit her…and yes, I would’ve blamed it on a spasm.
– Tiff
Grrrrrr. I didn’t watch the video it’s too close to home to see a fellow gimp in pain.
Let’s hope he sues their asses off!
Hope he sues them!
i was afraid to watch the video, but it’s really not that bad. i mean, it’s sad/angering he got dumped out, but he’s ok now (sorta). 2 broken ribs l8r…
i wonder how much he can get from this type of police fuck up anyways? $1 million? $5 mill?
I wrote about this too…they’re so lucky it wasn’t either of us getting dumped out onto the floor!!
dynah, what’s the link to your blog?
It doesn’t sound like it was his chair. He was in a mini cooper, with out his chair (out for just a drive or something I guess?). So the arresting officers had to get the chair and be there when he transferred out of the car. Into a “hospital grade” chair, so no removable arms. He MUST have needed help. I’m T7-8 and I sure would have. Ya think they’d have noticed??
IMO This is atrocious!
It is that bad. Granted, the injuries could have been even worse. But luckily, he didn’t break an arm or wrist.
It is a degrading offense and that officer is a sadistic idiot. I wrote Gov. Crist and that office is looking into potential civil rights violations.
I don’t usually say this, but – sue. Lucky he didn’t break more.
i didnt know the mini-cooper thing.
Tiffiny- it’s You should be able to just click on my name under my comment
lol, maybe next time he’ll hold on better, like with one arm hooked behind the chair. I got busted back in ’95 and was trasported in the back of a cruiser. luckily my bro was with me and was able to help me get in. then they transported my power chair in the back of a pickup truck owned by one of the officers. yeah that was a fun night.
wow micah…thats crazy!