This is official gay-pride bikini, people! Composed of stripes from every color in the ranbow and fashioned with sexy old rings (the bandeau-version; not pictured), this rainbow bikini will definitely get you noticed by the gay boys and hottie straight men alike.
Get your size now before the cheapo fashionistas beat you to it!
You know…I’m impressed. Way to go Target buyers. It seems that with each passing year, their swimsuit collection has gotten exponentially better. As I checked out all of their new suits today, I honestly couldn’t decide which one I liked best. There were too many to choose from. From the Space-Dye Swimwear Set to their Eyelet Triangle Swim Top, their sexified sunbathing options are endless.
And if you’re wondering how a girl in a wheelchair pulls off a bikini, easy; I just stop eating between April – June. No seriously, my body has never and will never be “bikini perfect,” but I don’t care. My quad gut has yet to manifest it’s uglyself. So…I’m going to enjoy it this semi-ok bod while it lasts.
– Tiff