I thought it’d be interesting to survey you gals/guys, and see what kinds of products you keep in your shower. An insight, if you will, into your BRAIN!
My shower accouterments:
– Bead Head Dumb Blonde shampoo and conditioner
– Aveda Blue Malva conditioner (I use it once/week to keep my bleached hair from getting brassy. Amazing stuff. Just don’t use it every day or it WILL turn your hair blue)
– Dove Go Fresh Body Wash in Lemongrass & Grapefruit scent (I love anything with a citrus scent…mmmm)
– Skintimate Raspberry Rain shave gel (Gotta love this crazy foam)
– Gillette Venus Shaver (No, I don’t think I’m a goddess. Hate their tagline, love the product)
– Shower CD Radio with mirror (Ugh, my under-eye circles stare at me each morning. At least I’m listening to tunes though)
– And my boyfriend’s Old Spice High Endurance “Fresh” Body Wash (After he showers the edntire condo smells like Ron Burgandy’s pad)
Your turn!
– Tiff
Head and Shoulders 2-in-1. Paul Mitchel Shampoo & Conditioner for colored hair, Dove Expholiating cleansing bar, Dead Sea soap (brought to me by Chris who got suckered by the alluring Christmas season booths and their exotic beauties), an expholiating body wash (Equate, I think) and Bath and Body Works Cucumber body wash.
Dove deo/anti-pers…..
hows the cucumber wash, miki?
Help out people, hows everyone showerng…i get bed baths mostly showers r a disaster…..
yeah people! respond!
tiff – I lov the cumcumber body wash and lotions, too. makes you feel silky and fresh.
shower – when i lived at my parents they had built me a massive roll-in. it was awesome – specially for doubling up with a boyfriend :o) now i live in a “wheelchair accessible” apartment that has a regular tub with shower. so, like when i travel, i use a camp chair. you know, the ones that fold up and can be put in a carrying case? i get the small one with no arms and put that in the shower. then my boyfriend just lifts me in, hands me the shower head and i’m there for the next 45 minutes or until the hot water runs out! either my pca or chris washes my hair, legs and “lady parts” and i do my face and upper body. it’s not hard once you have the routine!
if i need a hair wash or scrub down inbetween – i do a bed bath and for hair – my chair tilts – so i hang my head over the side of the tub.
here … walmart – 12.00 only mine doesn’t have arms
Although Venus is a great product (hola), I’m totally in luv with my Intuition razor – no shaving cream required !!!
hmm yes, the intuition razor. must try. i just really LOVE THE SKINTIMATE crazy foaming SHAVE GEL.
there’s a cheap brand of shave gel called ENVI, it’s, well, cheap, but it works just as well as the more expensive skintimate stuff, (okay, it doesn’t smell like a fruity mixed drink, just baby powder, but it’s not like the scent stays on your legs forever, and besides, who’s gonna be smelling your LEGS?) anyway, the company that makes it is animal friendly. yay!
thx for the tip, sharon
thanx tiff!