(Gasp!) A New Post…And It’s On Pants!

Everyone loves a good pair of pants. I know I do.

I like the sight of a good-looking man in a nice pair of pants (nice assy ass…yummz), and yes, I also like a nice pair of pants FOR ME, that fit my seated/quadified body as if they were custom-made. I don’t need to tell you this, but if you’re an average height gal and found yourself in a wheelchair, you know better than me how annoying the “Holy Grail” search for pants can be.

So here’s the good news: New York & Company has LONG pants. And they’re cheap! Not like the $60+ dandies you’ll find at Tall Girl or other custom-type stores. This must be a new addition to their store, because I shop there a lot. Or maybe I’m just dense? Whatever the case, their prices range from $9.99 (!!!) to $44.95. And you can even shop online on their site now. Truly killer.

So cheers to you and yours on the gloriness that is pants.

Long inseams! No more high-waters! What a beautiful world that would be.

– Tiff

On a Happier Note…

Target is selling “vintage” Bowie shirts at the moment!

We should all go and buy one and wear them across the nation, to attempt a resurgence of the 1970’s Bowie era.

Imagine, kids on city street corners wearing glittery makeup, platform boots, and feather boas in broad daylight.

That would make me very happy.

– Tiff

“Oracle” aka Batgirl

Did you know that DC Comics had their character, Batgirl (Batman’s daughter, Barbara Gordon), become paralyzed after being shot by her arch-enemy, The Joker, who then changed her identity to “Oracle”…a sexy paraplegic, computer genius, who ran her team of able-bodied ass-kicking proteges from her home in Gotham’s Clocktower?

And the coolest part? WB had a show based on “Oracle” called Birds of Prey, that was on from 2002 – 2003. “Oracle” was played by Dina Meyers; a red headed, blue-eyed, future-esque using wheelchair phenom…this sexy, main character WITH a disability was and still is a big deal to have ever made it to network television. A powerful and SEXY woman in a wheelchair?! Usually VERY taboo….


Here are some awesome screenshots from the show:

– Tiff

PS. Birds of Prey will be released on DVD July 15th, 2008.

What Do You Appreciate More…Now?

How has your disability influenced you in such a way, that you appreciate certain things more than “everyone else?”

It’s funny. For me – over all these crazy years of having a SCI – “The Little Things Tiff Appreciates” list has grown exponentially.

Here are mine:

– A hot cup of coffee WITH creamer (ok, maybe everyone loves this one, but it had to be said).

– Sunshine. Even those blessed 30 seconds when the clouds shift, and the sun shines on my face for a moment in time, as I drive down the freeway and like magic, I warm up, can be orgasmic.

– “Fresh scent” oil candles by Glade, glowing at night in my completely dark living room. The sight, the smell, can make all the hassles of everyday quad-life go away…for awhile at least.

– My kitty “Pixie” kneading the faux white fur rug on her favorite chair. No matter how many times I see her do it, it just melts my heart. OMG cuuute!

– And getting into my poufy, comfy bed at the end of the day (feather duvet included) whilst watching Iron Chef America. Sooooo comfortable, relaxing, and I’m finally OUT of my chair (bleh…let’s face it. It gets old by the time 10pm hits). 8 blessed hours of non-chair life, here I come!

Ok, your turn. Start typing 🙂

– Tiff

What’s Pissing Me Off – The April 6th Edition

To all over you annoying male C5-6 (and lower) quads out there (I’m sorry to say this…), but fuck you.

I’m SO sick and tired of these machismo “know it all” SCI men who have the same injury level as me, and tell me I didn’t work hard enough in rehab and that I should be able to transfer myself and do all of my OWN cares.

Fuck you for being so pompous!

What?? You don’t think I worked my ass off hard enough in rehab to try to be as independent as possible? Needing PCA’s everyday SUCKS ASS, I hate it, so how can you accuse me of being lazy?

Simply put: Men, with SCI or without SCI, will always and forever have more (and stronger) muscle groups than us females. It’s a proven fact. THAT’S why you’ll commonly see a C6 quad guy who can transfer himself, but a woman with the same injury who cannot. Saying she’s lazy is nothing but offensive.

Ok, rant over.

– Tiff

PS. This just really needed to be said. I’ve had this continual criticism directed towards me from SCI men for 14+ years. Stop being jackholes, ok?

Be a Naughty Monkey

It’s no secret us wheely-ladies have issues with our feet swelling by the end of the day, which have therefore caused many of us to give up our passion for sexy shoes and donate our beloved shoe collections, post-injury, to friends, or even worse, complete strangers (the horror!)

Well…not so quick, my chicas. Naughty Monkey Shoes may be the miracle you’ve been waiting for.

These sexy shoes run wider than your average, annoyingly narrow heel, enabling us to buy the trendiest shoes of the moment, that still fit good by the end of the day. Sweetness!

Here’s a tre lovely cornucopia of Naughty Monkey Shoes.

– Tiff

PS. Naughty Monkey unfortunately does not have their own site.

PPS. Stick with shorter heels that also have a strap over the foot, so they’ll not only be unable to fall off your foot with ease everytime you cross your legs, but the shorter, wider heel will fit better on your foot plate/rest.