Look! Obama’s only been President for 2 days and look how science is already moving forward: FDA approves embryonic stem cell study
The FDA was able to finally approve Geron Corporation’s embryonic stem cell human trials yesterday, which have been on hold for years thanks to Georgey boy’s influence over the FDA. Being that his administration banned Federal funding of embryonic stem cells in 2001, other governmental offices were also influenced in all viscinities of embryonic stem cell research, whether it was known publically or not.
But not anymore! With Obama as president governmental offices like the FDA can now decide freely.
So very soon, a lucky 8-10 acute injured people will be getting embryonic stem-cells injected into their injury sites. They’ll be closely monitored (duh)….and I’m sure crazy awesome things will happen. Will they be fully healed? Nope (at least that’s my guess). But if they even get their pinky movement back that’s something.
When I attended the World Stem Cell Summit last fall, every researcher there stressed how vital embryonic stem cell research is compared to adult stem cell research. Embryonic stem cells, they say, hold the most promise.
People like me, the “dinosaurs” of the SCI population (I’ve been paralyzed since 1993), cannot be involved in the study due the scar tissue that’s formed over the years. A little FYI for ya: Even though it hinders any possible neve regeneration, our human bodies are programmed to put scar tissue around the damaged area of the fragile spinal cord. Getting the scar tissue off it so the stem cells can get to it? Yeah, not easy.
I’ll be following this study like a hawk. Look for updates as they’re released from Geron.
Yay science!
– Tiff