If you think putting on makeup without being able to move your fingers is hard, you’d be right :p But I’ve perfected it.
Watch and be amazed!
If you think putting on makeup without being able to move your fingers is hard, you’d be right :p But I’ve perfected it.
Watch and be amazed!
Cool video!! Tiff’s girly side
And, Crap! There goes my excuse for not wearing any makeup. I always say it takes way too much time, but if you can go from 0 to done within 10 minutes I should be able to cram it within 6 tops.
(Especially since I’m skipping the eyeliner – which makes my eyes look smaller).
Do you by the way know any brand that has a good violetish/purple shade that really shows up well? The one I have is not very visible, which makes me grumble about a “lot” of work for nothing. (Someone else on YouTube – ricebunny???- had a general tip of ‘put a little clear lipgloss on your eyelids, and your shadow will really pop and you can layer it much better’. Haven’t tried that yet though…
I’ve got loose powder as well, which in general shows up 10 times better, but I’ve only got white/pink/brown/black/orangygolden and I don’t think they had any purple (dark or light).
What brand of loose powders do you buy Corien? L’oreal has some really bright “HIP” pigment hard eye shadows that come in duos. They have this fabulous bright purple color paired with a yellow shade in a compact. Can you get these in the Netherlands?
I got some “Pur skin minerals” in a cheap kit off Ebay. Like 25 dollars including shipping for 6 eyeshadows, some foundations, bronzers, blushes and 2 brushes. Brushes suck, eyeshadows rock – the black works as a nice soft liner as well – and the rest is OK too. I’m using a small art brush for the shadow if I’m ‘lining’ an edge or applying a highlight (and a bigger one for blending), very soft and precise brush with a long handle. So if you’re ever looking for a new brush try Dick Blick or something, lots of handles, bristles and sizes to choose from
Small town. Will keep an eye out for the L’Oreal purple/yellow combo next time I’m there, or ask my sis if she can get it (she lives in a city, more options). And oh, you can be proud (mission accomplished), I’m wearing makeup today, I now look much more awake than I feel 
I haven’t seen any loose pigments in the store here but the store I go to, is really just the makeup counter at the local pharmacy/stationary/candy all-in-one little store
yeah…sounds like you’ll have to order it online. and the dick blick idea is brilliant!
hey tiff,
do you ever use moisturizer under your primer? you apply mascara like a pro!
i just watched you do in 10 minutes what normally takes me the better part on an hour
alex, well i always moisturize my face after washing it every morning. i use oil of olay complete for comination skin.
you can get faster with practice. i’m sure of it
i used to take that long too.
Girl, someone’s GOT to get you a tv show! You’ve got a natural presence, and you’re a born communicator. Your personality just pops, even in a quickie webcam production. Remember us when yer famous….
thank you so much, elle bee! :))) i hope you’re right in your prediction. this girl needs some work!
IM-PRES-SIVE WOW! Tiff you’ve got mad makeup skills :)…we seem to have the same level of injury, hmmm…we should talk