Month: October 2009
First human embryonic stem cell trials halted by FDA, but why?
The FDA has temporarily halted what will be the first US-based human trials using embryonic stem cells. Geron hopes to restore movement in those with paralysis. Can they did it? Will the “impossible” actually happen?
And more, why was the study put on hold? What happened to those monkeys out in Cali?
– Tiff
Wheelchair on Steroids: I give you the Tank Chair
The Tank Chair rides on rubber tracks and takes wheelchair-users over logs, through snow, and even up stairs.
Read all about this impressive piece of adapted technology here
– Tiff
Love elevators as much as me? Thank Elisha Otis
If it wasn’t for the Otis safety brake, an invention that gave birth to the modern-day elevator, what a tired, stuck populace we would be.
Read all about the invention of the modern-day elevator
– Tiff
Das Good
A few random items I absolutely love, as should you!
1. Lush Toner Tabs: These things cost a couple bucks and are a great way to pamper your face and feel awesome (if you’re paralyzed with a sensitive upper-body, you’ll especially love the steam action these babies give off). Simply drop one in a bowl of warm water and put your face over with a towel over your head (and bowl). It lasts about 4 minutes and they really work.
2. Cans of black beans: I recently dropped a pants size by incorporating a shit ton of legumes into my diet, notably black beans. A can costs less than a dollar (recession friendly!) and are great on salads, in tacos/burritos, and even by themselves.
3. Cherry Carmex: This stuff is the shit. The cherry flavor is consistently pleasing and their legendary formula works like a dream (not to mention Carmex is cheap as hell). Buy it!
4. Thrift stores: I just bought a pair of jeans, a pair of Issac Mizrahi houndstooth trousers, a killer belt (with an oval silver buckle with turquoise embellishments), a loosely knit brown 3/4 sleeve cardigan, and a dark blue cable knit sweater all for $24. Why in the hell I ever paid full price before is beyond me.
5. Bronzer used as eyeshadow: I’ve been using Neutrogena’s Healthy Bronzer (Sunkissed) since Spring as my eyeshadow – in conjuction with using it as a bronzer – and have received tons of compliments on how “colorful” (in a good way) my face looks. If you have blue eyes, you’ll especially love what these colors do for you.
– Tiff
Was using a taser multiple times on double amputee Gregory Williams really necessary?
It’s the Merced California Police vs. George Williams. Was he a threat despite being sans weapon? Were the police out of line?
Read the full story about went down here
– Tiff
How do you stop from falling out of your wheelchair?
And is strapping myself in – like Hannibal Lector to a gurney – my only option?
Read my thoughts on this ever-present annoyance here
– Tiff
Many Chinese dwarfs choose to live in an all-dwarf village. Would you?
In southern China lies the Kingdom of the Dwarves, a tiny village where Little People willingly choose to live, making ends meet by doing song/dance numbers for tourists. Is this good or bad for the future of Little People in China?
– Tiff
Turn that frown upside down: Sex transforms ‘belligerent’ paraplegic
A sexually frustrated, group home-based, 22 year old man receives sexual favors from nurse, with said nurse’s goal to make him a happier, less violent resident (for others) to live with.
Read my blog on this story here
– Tiff