DORA was designed to be the handiest robo-doorman in existence. But is the design practical?
Month: November 2009
Why did Texas police shoot paraplegic folk singer, Andrew Reid?

Pretty crazy…a man who can’t walk overtaking a cop’s weapon? But that’s another story for another time.
I had never heard of Reid until today, but he was apparently pretty well known in the disability community. He was the 2001 Canadian Handcycling Champion and had recorded several records (Reid was paralyzed in a surfing accident in ‘99). He was also in the band, Rehab Mama, which he describes on his site – Reid Records – as “early Cowboy Junkies” (I’m glad his site is still online, btw. Fascinating).
And if you look at his site vs. the news stories, it’s easy to get a varied image of Reid. He was not some random crazy person in a wheelchair. No, he was educated, talented, attractive, and what people thought at least, sane. Just what happened to Andrew Reid?
The previous day was when things started to go downhill. Reid was road tripping it alone from California to Austin, TX, where he was going to visit a friend. And it was in Fort Stockton, TX, a day before the shooting, where he was in a 50 kilometer police chase, which the police aren’t giving any details on and that in it of itself is weird enough (who gets into several mile police chases out of the blue?). He was quickly captured, jailed overnight and released the next day. Done deal, right? Not quite.
Upon his release, police were called to his motel. Reid was hollering in the motel parking lot. When police arrived they tried to calm him, but he grabbed one of the officers’ guns and pointed it at his stomach. That was when the other officer shot Reid twice, fatally wounding him.
Who knows what was really going on in Andrew Reid’s mind (or life for that matter) last week when this craziness ensued. All of the news stories are incredibly vague and the people who knew him say they’re shocked at his actions.
It’s hard whenever a vivacious person with a spinal cord injury, someone doing amazing things and has so much promise, meets a sudden end. It’s like I knew him. I know exactly what his paralyzed existence was like. I know how hard it was.
And for the record, pointing that gun at the cop was an incredibly stupid thing to do.
iPhone app for wheelchair-users to debut
Antidepressants used to heal spinal injuries. What’s next?
Read about this surprising use of Lexapro here.
– Tiff
Geron releases new data, shares up
Well it looks like the quads of the world are now in the running to get cured first (jokey joke, well maybe), according to the latest embryonic stem cell research data released by Geron Corp last week. Tumors in the thorasic region, but not the cervical region? How curious.
This study better end up curing someone. I hate long movies with shitty endings.
– Tiff
Should this blog be discussing Glee?
Yes, no, is it worth mentioning that a character with a disability is getting some major attention over at FOX? What say you? I haven’t gotten into the show myself. What can I say, show choir never appealed to me.
– Tiff
Make your wheelchair a weapon, and kick some butt
Best music video ever? YES.
Lady Gaga’s latest music video (it came out 3 days ago and has over 6 million hit already), “Bad Romance,” is pretty much the best music video ever made. It’s freaky, a bit scary, HIGH FASHION and sexy as hell. Look for the hot guys with the metal on their faces and Lady Gaga’s fabulous retro ’80s look in the red number. HAWT. I seriously can’t stop watching it.