I know! CREATE BATTLEBOT WHEELCHAIRS. And that’s exactly what Lance “aka Blaster” Greathouse did, from making a fire-spurting gun wheelchair to designing a beautiful gothic chair. His wheelchairs make being unable to walk look cool.
And I gotta say, no lie, this is the most amazing line of fantastical wheelchairs I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been writing about custom wheelchairs for years (years!). Here’s a taste of some of the Battlebot-esque wheelchairs from the MIND of Lance Greathouse:
- Fighter F-4 Jet ejection chair
- NASCAR chair
- Dr. Evil chair with rear video and stereo system (OMG!)
- Lord Humongous most powerful chair with flamethrower
- B-52 Bomber chair, w/ spinning turret and simulated working 50 Cal machine guns
- Chairs with tank tracks
- And in the works: A Queens Throne chair and Barbie chair (double WANT!)
Lance is obviously making the most out of his workspace down in Phoenix. <3 And now, the BEST part: He’s ready to not only share his designs with the world, he’s offering up his services & is ready to create the wheelchair of YOUR dreams.
Whether you are a person with a disability (or just a lazy millionaire), Lance will work with you. And he can even use your pre-existing chair and add to it. I don’t know about you, but I’m craving chrome add-ons and some sweet spinning rims for my chair like a crack-fiend!
Visit Lance’s official site: Greathouse Labs
[…] Dr. Evil chair with rear video and stereo system, these wheelchairs are the epitome of badassery….read my blog here! Filed under: tank chair, lance greathouse, custom wheelchairs, crazy wheelchairs, greathouse […]
And after talking with Lance on the phone, a possible wheelchair BATTLEBOT show is in the works….possibly. SWEET!