1/23/11: Podcast #70: Meaghan Gallagher – making paralysis funny

Our first podcast of 2011 has landed. Listen now to episode #70 of No Free Rides, featuring paralyzed comedian Meaghan Gallagher (sadly no relation to the watermelon smasher guy).

Photos of Meaghan Gallagher by Sergio Soltero

Woo I’m so excited to start out the new year by having funny lady Meaghan Gallagher, a C5-6 quad and comic from Gainesville, FL, back on the show.

She’s a returning guest and is a performer, does impov, directs, and posts the best Facebook statuses you’ve ever read (“Reading about Human Sexuality while watching Season 1 of The X-files” or “I wish I was a toddler in a tiara”). Guaranteed laughs, my friends, that’s what it’s all about. You’ll love her as much as I do.

Combine having Meaghan on along with our new sponsor, EasyStand.com, and No Free Rides is riding high, my friends. Look forward to new shows all year long, with new shows posted the 3rd week of every month.

Click here to listen, or listen in the player below (60 minute run time. Contains mature content)


  1. Great episode! Since both of you lovely ladies are skeptical of the existence of another female comic in a wheelchair, I just thought I’d introduce myself. I, too, am a stand up comedian. I’d love to chat with you gals sometime and share some amusing stories!

    1. Hey Ally ;D
      That’s fabulous. I won’t ”take you down” or anything. ;]

      1. How about a friendly game of wheelchair chicken?

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Roman Reed, Tiffiny Carlson. Tiffiny Carlson said: Made a fab new podcast! Podcast 70: Comedian Meaghan Gallagher – making paralysis funny http://t.co/yRAAnR2 via @ shr.lc […]

  3. I listened to your podcast today and it’s a wonderful thing.

  4. I listen to the podcast today and it’s a wonderful thing. Who cares if Meaghan isn’t related to Gallagher The Fruit Masher. Better she stand’s on her own two feet than ride the coat tails of a has been. The interview also made me want to hear her comedy since you left us hanging. PEACE.

  5. Great episode! I would love to learn more about Meaghan, does she have a website or facebook page with more info?

  6. Is she the sane Meaghan Gallagher as in this article:


    I don’t think so, but I’m not sure.

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