A great SCI-worthy donation

And this is a big one, folks. September is – woo hoo! – Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month.

What does this whole “awareness month” message mean? Lots of things…talking about what is a spinal cord injury, sharing spinal cord injury prevention tips and bringing up important issues facing people with spinal cord injuries.

This is actually where my heart lies. No one can cure us, but we can be in control of our lives by improving day-to-day issues, like having people who understand and all the information you need so you can live an amazing, healthy and independent life. HUGE stuff. That is why I am a major fan of BACKBONES. They’re a great non-profit dedicated to improving all of this really important stuff.

And this month, they’re trying to raise $10,000 for their organization, all of which will go directly to fund their mission (you can read it in full here).

They are there to give free support people with SCI and their familes – they do one-on-one pair ups, fun events all around the country. Having a good time and positivity is what they’re all about (proof!).

What’s not to love about an organization that holds city-wide scavenger hunts IN wheelchairs (everybody has to try it too, even if they can walk) as a way to teach SCI education?

Click here to give & help BACKBONES reach their goal!

Did you know that September is Spinal Cord Injury Awareness (SCI) Month?

A few months ago I had the pleasure of recording a podcast with Reveca Torres (listen here).

Reveca is a C5 quadriplegic who was injured in a car accident while on vacation at the age of 13. In 2009, Reveca founded BACKBONES. BACKBONES exists to provide one-on-one support for individuals with a spinal cord injury (SCI) and their families. They’re making connections to others with a similar injury and interests via telephone, in-person, or web to encourage sharing of experiences and ideas.

BACKBONES also hosts fun, dynamic events that get people with and without SCI together for support, education, awareness and a good time! For example they have held fashion shows, wine tastings, 5Ks and more. In honor of Awareness Month BACKBONES has designed a Scavenger Hunt in two cities (Portland, OR and Chicago, IL)….

Finally, a footplate for high heels

OMG a perfect place for high heels on footrests?

My friend Tamara Mena, a paraplegic, has worked with TiLite wheelchairs to create this awesome foot plate made to accomodate high heels. Love it! Women in wheelchairs everywhere have been wanting something like this for years.

The heels can rest off the back of the plate, making it so the ankles stay straight. It’ll be available soon, but the exact date has yet to be released. Check in with TiLite for more info in coming months.

PS. A power chair version needs to be available next!