Dating On Wheels: 20 year old can’t catch a break

Dear Tiffiny,

I’m a 20 year old guy with Friedrich’s Ataxia, a very rare genetic disorder, similar to Muscular Dystrophy. I’ve been in a wheelchair since age 14, and have never dated. Not that I haven’t tried. 

I’ve asked girls out and have tried loads of dating sites, but with no luck. Girls I ask out say no, and girls on dating sites rarely respond. Friends (who do happen to be girls, but aren’t my “girlfriends”) have said I’m handsome, so I don’t think I’m rejected because I’m ugly.

I’ve felt depressed at times, because I’m never able to attract the right type of girl. Any advice?

Amazing sport – power wheelchair ice racing

You gotta watch these three awesome winter videos covering very important wheelchair skills.

The first (and my fav), power wheelchair racing on ice (possibly the most entertaining adapted sport ever, replete with NASCAR play-by-plays). Also, find out the perfect number of layer to stay warm (you’ll have to watch to find out the magic number).

Also find out the best snow tires for manual wheelchair (wrapping plastic rope around your wheels can work too). Read this entry