SCI Superstar: Tiphany Adams

A wild child in her teens – now a zen TV star, Tiphany Adams is a drop-dead gorgeous paraplegic who’s been aiming to change the world since being injured in a car accident at the age of 17.

She wants to change the way the way the world looks at people with disabilities and she wants to use media to make that happen. Read this entry

My Top 5 Wheely Favorite Things

Check out my new monthly column for Push Living!

I’ll be profiling some of my top ‘Wheely Favorite Things’ each month – items, media, products and services for wc-users.

And here’s my first installment! #1 – The Wheel Comfort cushioney footrest (for going barefoot), #2 – ‘Manufactured 1987’ awesome high-fashion blog from a NYC woman w/ CP and #3 – The Sessions w/ Helen Hunt (a movie about a sex worker for disabled people). Read my other picks here

Dating, and finding it’s possible

Fear is the number one feeling most of us feel when it comes to dating. And it’s especially no surprise that lots of people in wheelchairs are afraid to date. We can be afraid; afraid of rejection, explaining our disability, of being seen as a burden.

And then we just don’t even try to date. Don’t let that happen to you!  A wheelchair may make it trickier to find someone, but it’s never a roadblock. Just watch these three videos below about people’s positive dating with a disability experiences.

The first video is all about finding out the world is better than you thought. It features a beautiful Latina woman who was injured when she was just 11 years old. At the time of her injury, she of course wasn’t worried about boys or what her prospects in dating might lead to.

That kind of stuff wasn’t on her radar yet. But now, she’s a strong young woman who’s been dating, and she’s discovered some important things about dating from a wheelchair. Read this entry

Podcast 95: Scott Rains, inclusive travel expert

In podcast 95, Tiffiny is joined by inclusive travel expert, Scott Rains, a quadriplegic who’s been hired by tourism businesses and governments all around the world to teach them how they can become more universally accessible.

In this fascinating interview, Tiffiny and Scott talk about everything, from his injury in 1972 from a tumor on his spinal cord to how he retooled his career to become an inclusive travel expert. They also discuss accessibility in places he’s visited (and he’s been on every continent, except Antarctica), including a country he’s visiting often right now, Brazil.

Listen below. Run time is 50 minutes.

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– Visit Scott’s blog: Rolling Rains