SCI Superstar: Matthew Sanford

When Matthew Sanford was 13 years old, his entire life changed. He and his family were traveling along an icy road at Christmas when the car skidded, killing his sister and father. He, his mother and brother survived, but Matthew was left with a spinal cord injury.

Matthew however hasn’t let a diagnosis of paraplegia confine him, especially when it comes to his body. He is one of the most well-known, is now the most well-known, yoga teacher with a disability. From founding a successful yoga non-profit to being one of the most dynamic speakers you’ll ever meet, read on to learn about the Zen-filled yogi, Matthew Sanford. Read this entry

Awesomely Homemade: Wheelchair Lift, Standing Frame and more

Let’s face it – being paralyzed is expensive.  But with a little know how and elbow grease, one area where you can save is on expensive (eh-hem overpriced) disability equipment.  I’m talking about standing frames, 4×4 chairs, even in-home wheelchair lifts.

All of these things can be built at home with the right instructions and a little help. Read on to see four awesome how-to’s on creating badly needed disability equipment. Remember, if you try, please do so at your own risk. Read this entry

SCI Superstar: Kebra Moore

There wasn’t ever a time in Kebra Moore’s life when she wasn’t musical. A renowned gospel singer with hits to her name, a motivational speaker and the current Ms. Wheelchair Mississippi, Kebra Moore definitely knows a thing or two about how to move on after a spinal cord injury.

And on top of all that, she knows how to do it with style. She’s even spearheaded a program to help newly injured women realize they’re still beautiful. Read on to learn about this soulful woman with a passion for God, music and beauty. Read this entry