Stop Proposed Cuts to Medicare/Medicaid Before Jan. 1st, 2016!

Do you use a wheelchair and are on Medicare or Medicaid? Coming January 1st, 2016 a major change is looming and WILL affect how often you can receive repairs on your wheelchair (as well as any other complex medical equipment you own).

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have announced they will apply Competitive Bid Pricing (CBP) to Complex Rehab wheelchair accessories starting next year. This violates the true intent of past Congressional legislation and would inappropriately reduce payment rates for 171 product codes from 20% to over 40%.

Bill H.R. 3229, proposed by Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) will stop this by providing a technical correction to clarify that that Medicare competitive bidding pricing to accessories cannot be applied to complex rehab wheelchairs.

To make this bill a reality and to stop the proposed cuts, please EMAIL and CALL your House Representative to get them to support the bill. To learn how to do this successfully, visit this link:

Fashion Student Heidi McKenzie Becomes Paraplegic, Returns to Industry

The latest wheelchair fashion designer to throw her hat into the ring, Heidi McKenzie is unlike any other wheelchair designer of there. A paraplegic since her early twenties, Heidi has owned being a woman with a spinal cord injury, competing in Ms. Wheelchair America and now her latest venture – becoming a business woman -since her injury.

But her latest venture, creating customized wheelchair clothing, is what has launched her into fame this past year. From appearing on local media to being profiled on some of the biggest websites online, Heidi’s grand “coming out” last year with her brand (which included a successful Kickstarter campaign) has been phenomenal. Read more

SCI Superstar: Henry Fraser

Some could say that 2015 has been a banner year for Henry Fraser. Injured in 2009, Henry has come a long way since becoming paralyzed from the shoulders down. Now 23, this former rugby player discovered painting – watercolor painting to be specific – and has skyrocketed to fame thanks to his paintings of famous athletes.

But mouth painting isn’t everything he does, although his 31 thousand and counting followers on Twitter might have a thing or two to say about that. Also a rising inspirational speaker, Henry has turned his injury into something much bigger than himself. Continue reading…