Gaga’s latest persona, Yuyi the Mermaid, a wheelchair-using siren with a black tail and donned in a black funeral shroud, is amazing if you ask me, but its pissing some people off too. Read this blog
Author: Tiff
7/6/11: Would you exploit yourself to pay the bills?
If a channel produces a show on a pregnant paraplegic with twins, and people pay cable to tune in to watch (gawk), how is that any different from paying $2 to view a pregnant snake lady behind a glass wall? Read the rest of this blog
6/30/11: Podcast #75 – Drew Bates: Voice-over actor, storyteller, aims high
Spin 2.0: Accidentally accessible fashion trends
Flats, stretchy skirts and long tank tops are the best fashion trends to ever come around for wheelchair-users, and here’s why. Read my blog here
Spin 2.0: Wheelchairs banned from trying on wedding dresses
An inaccessible bridal shop in Michigan has gone so far as to ban wheelchairs from their dressing rooms, worried the wheels may damage the dresses. Stephanie Nash, a wheelchair-user, and her cohorts are calling this shop out on their bullshit, and for good reason. Read the rest
Spin 2.0: Rolling Elephants wheelchair jeans
Rolling Elephants is the latest wheelchair jeans manufacturer to hit the scene, offering a more rugged look that harkens to the site’s roots in rural Germany. Read the rest
Spin 2.0: HBO’s “Game of Thrones” includes a character with paralysis
Spin 2.0: Wheelchair assassin film in the works
When was the last time a you’ve seen a movie starring two female wheelchair-users? That is why Collision, starring Tiffany Giddes and Teal Sherer, both paraplegics, a film about wheelchair assassins, needs to be made. Read more