Robot legs may lift people from wheelchairs

If this headline sounds a bit sci-fi….well it‘s because the idea originally came from of a beloved sci-fi novel. And now – it’s also close to becoming a reality. We’re finally living in an age where these seemingly bipolar realities are becoming one.

The 411: Monty Reed, a partially paralyzed ex-Army Ranger, got the idea to create a robo-suit to enable people with paralysis walk again after reading Starship Troopers, a classic sci-fi novel written by Robert Heinlein. The story follows soldiers who are given robo-suits, which can carry up to 2,000 lbs. He’s been working on his idea since the mid ‘80s.

Click for the rest

– Tiff

Leg warmers, and their “magical” medical properties

I’m always a sucker for gifts, so Garvey Rich over at Functional Comfort must be psychic. You see, as a blogger (if you’re semi-popular or moreso), there’s this bad ass phenomenon of receiving free things in the mail from companies, with an end goal (on their part) that I’ll blog about their said product in a positive light. Free advertising yo.

So when I received 4 pairs of leg warmers and 2 pairs of arm warmers in the mail from the people at Function Comfort, I must say I felt I’ve moved up in the eschelon of blogger-dom. This is the first time a company has ever sent me free products, and MAN….*does a little happy dance*. It. Is. Awesome.

Click for the rest (and I need the hits!)

– Tiff

No, I don’t sleep in my wheelchair

These are just a few of the innocent questions kids have thrown my way. It’s funny. Kids sometimes think that my wheelchair is magically grafted to my ass. And even more amusing, they think that if I leave my wheelchair, I’ll poof (!)…spontaneously combust (or worse).
I can survive without my wheelchair thank you very much. Yes, it would suck, but my body doesn’t require a “chair with wheels” to continue cellular regeneration.

And here’s how I school these kids RIGHT (my full Disaboom blog)….

– Tiff


Paraplegic to ride in the Baja 1000

If you said Ricky James was simply “passionate” about motocross racing, that’d probably be the biggest understatement of your life. After Ricky, age 18, became unable to walk for the rest of his life (after he skidded out on his bike in 2005, breaking his back at the T6/7 level) he didn’t go back into racing right away. I mean…who would blame him? But now he’s planning to ride in the BAJA 1000! A 1000 mile race from Tijuana to La Paz.
To ride, he’s created a nbike outfitted with hand controls, a modified seat, and a cage to protect his legs (and to keep his legs on the bike).

Click here for the rest of this blog on the hottie in a chair that is Ricky James

– Tiff



Daily makeup tip

When it comes to mascara, it’s all about the wand/brush, not the actual makeup.  So be sure to note the wand before purchasing. This is why I love Maybelline Great Lash. It’s cheap as hell, the makeup is nothing spectacular, BUT THE WAND, oh, the magical wand…it does amazing things to my lashes.

Look for wands with very defined brushes (these ones will separate your lashes more, which in the process will make them appear longer).

– Tiff