Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

My PCA’s are back, the holidays are over, school is back in session…

2009 has officially begun. I am so glad things are back to normal.

Things in the disability world are pretty quiet right now, so not much to blog about these days. The only news I can think of:

– Johnson & Johnson announced they will no longer be selling the iBot in the USA this year (low sales. bummer).

– States across the nation are facing budget deficits and looking to cut programs (with disabled people crossing their fingers that the cuts won’t dramatically affect them).

– And people everywhere rooting for stem-cell research are waiting with bated breath, hoping Barack Obama will reverse Bush’s veritable stem-cell ban. Hopefully in February we’ll see this happen!

Ok, that’s all I gotta say for today. Now it’s your turn: Comment, amuse me, tell me something interesting, people!

– Tiff

Windows Vista = Crap

Dear Mr. Bill Gates,

Why on God’s green earth did you allow your company to create one of the shittiest running systems ever? Dell forced your piece of crap on me when I bought my laptop last April, and ever since, my dismay at Vista has become greater and greater. The most annoying thing, other than the weekly system freeze-ups of course, is when IE will all of a sudden close because of a mysterious error, then restart again, but without RESTORING the session! (unlike the fabulous Mozilla). This is simply unacceptable.

Is it that hard to add this feature?

Please, publicly apologize for the abomination that is Vista. Much like the writers of “Heroes” Season 2 did.



Toasty Socks Are The Holy Grail (to staying warm)

I discovered recently that wearing toasty warm socks after getting into bed (the fleece kind of socks, preferrably), is without question the fastest way to warm up ice-cube legs.

An able-bodied friend recently told me about her obsession with wearing these uber-thick socks to bed each night. She swears by them. And that got me thinking to before my injury. I used to wear socks to bed too. The sheets just felt weird on my barefeet. But after my injury, well you know what happened…(couldn’t feel my feet, so I forgot about this).

Anyways, I am here to loudly proclaim that even if you can’t feel your feet, your feet still greatly control your body heat (if your feet are cold your body thinks you’re going into hypothermia, and will send all your blood to your chest cavity to keep your organs). And if this happens, your feet won’t warm up for a VERY long time.

I’ve worn socks to bed three times this week, and each time BARNONE, I warmed up super fast and as a result, slept like a baby. Try it, people!

And here’s some very excellent fleece socks to procure.

– Tiff

PS. I’m more than aware that wearing fleece socks to bed isn’t sexy, luckily for me though, I live alone. Ha.

No Fear Kitty

Look at how incredibly cool my pets are around my wheelchair?









Yup, what can I say? My cats are cooler around me more than most humans. They’re totally disability desensitized! Sure, it helps that they’ve only know their Master to be yours truly, Tiffiny the Quad, their entire lives…but I’m still impressed. They never run from my tankesque powerchair in fear everytime I come around the corner. In fact, they run to me instead.

Yup, little Miss Pixie loves me.

– Tiff