After you screw up your spinal cord, the usual M.O. your doctor will pound over your head is, TO DRINK MORE WATER.
Is it just me, or is this incessant push for me to drink nasty, blah-water hissy fit-inducing? For all these 14 years of my quad-dom, I have never learned to enjoy drinking water. I’m rarely, if ever thirsty, and only on special occassions (usually after a long, dry day at the Renaissance Faire), will the notion of a cool glass of water sound appealing.
This is where I say, “Thank you Jebus!” for Crystal Light flavor packets. These little babies came out last year, they’re sugar-free, and they can be added to a glass of water to mimick the best tasting juice ever, but the awesom part, it’s not juice. Bonus for my poor beat-up bladder.
You can find Crystal Light flavor packets at most grocery stores in the Kool-Aid or energy drink aisles. They run about $3.50 per 14-packet box.
Just stay away from the Tropical Punch flavor! Even though it’s amazing and by far their best flavor, if you spill it on your carpet, take it from me, you will never get it out.
– Tiff