Return of the Pimping Out of My Podcasts

You may or may not be aware, but I host a ONE OF A KIND weekly podcast for women with disabilities called No Free Rides (called this, because don’t you as well get sick of random strangers asking you for free rides?).

The smart kids over at host my podcast, and I love them for it. Each week I bring on fascinating guests with disabilities from all across the nation. Sure, a lot of the discussion is on girly stuff and being disabled, but there’s multigendered interest discussions too. Elio (a wheelchair-user), his wife, and the rest of the staff created Xable a couple of years ago. They had some of the most extensive Paralympic coverage available anywhere this past September, for example. Xable rules!

Check out my latest podcast that just went up. Last Friday, I interviewed Tiffany G., a paraplegic from Ft. Myers, Florida, who will be moving to Hollywood in 2009 to achieve her dream of becoming a movie actress. How does she plan on doing it? How did she go about finding an agent? And does she think her chances are that great? Listen to No Free Rides podcast #36 to find out now!

– Tiff

“Body of War” Now on Netflix

And they’ve given it the awesome “Watch Now” feature, so you don’t have to wait for it to be mailed. Rock.

Check it out: “Body of War” on Netflix.

Since Obama won, this documentary about a paralyzed vet from the Iraq War (along with Phil Donahue, a co-director of the film) has been getting tons of buzz, especially when you compare it to the buzz it received initially (not a lot). After it premiered last April, sure it got some above-average reviews at Sundance, and was shown at conferences around the country, but that was the end of the “Body of War” hype. But now, with the possibility of the US pulling out of Iraq stronger than ever before, movies like this I’m assuming are going to continue to be catapulted to the forefront of the public eye. 

And is it just me, or does Tomas Young look a lot like Seth Green (except hotter, and with brown hair)?

Anyways, I know what I’m watching tonight!


Shame on You, NBC

While last week’s Election night results were pretty awesome (except for Prop 8 and Michelle Bachmann winning. WTF Cali and Minnesota?!), NBC’s Election night coverage could’ve been better.

Now why do I say this? Well, check out this excellent blog about how they VERY poorly failed to recognize disability as anything but a liability (if you’re a politician that is).

Things like this must be brought to the pundits’ attention.

– Tiff

Technology Shows More Hope, AGAIN

Have you guys heard about this exciting new development in technology helping people with paralysis move again?

Monkeys move paralyzed muscles with their minds: AMAZING! (a 10 minute vid from 60 Minutes)

Again, I’ll happily use technology as my minion to walk again. Screw stem cells. THIS is future!

– Tiff

I Can Haz Technology?

Here’s how I can now reset my WiFi box all on my own!

I’m so happy to know smart people who truly care about me.

So, how do you reach/reset your WiFi box if it goes down? Mine is unreachable from my chair, hence my need for this handy dandy invention.

– Tiff

Game On!

Do I REALLY need to say how thrilled I am to now call Senator Obama, President-Elect Barack Obama?

Do I??  *read: shit-eating grin*

Now that sanity has (or will be soon) restored to the White House, I think this is the perfect time to take a cue from Wayne Campbell. The perfect metaphor:  

Wayne: Game on!

Garth: Yeah, game on!

With Bush FINALLY leaving, and an intelligent and decent man replacing him, we can unPAUSE our street hockey games, people. The GAME is officially back on. Bush is like Stacy (gun rack included). And now we can all get back out to our perspective streets, and breath a sigh of relief.

Wayne’s World: Street Hockey Scene

– Tiff

It’s Here!

Today is Election Day. Crazy as it may seem, this election season is finally coming to an end. Will you be sad to see it go? Relieved? However you end up feeling after today, pleeeease: MAKE SURE YOU GET OUT AND VOTE!

Things To Know:

– Did you register on-time, or can you register at the polls in your state?

– Because of your disability, were you able to cast an absentee ballot early, and without any problems?

– Are the lines extremely long where you vote, and are election officials making you wait in line even if your disability makes it painful? (I heard in some states they’re making disabled individuals bring someone with who can wait in line for them, and then they just wait in their car).

As you can see, for some of us, voting CAN be extra work/stress, but should you allow it to silence your voice, and NOT vote? Hell no. Hell. No.

May EVERY vote be counted, and Happy Election Day!

– Tiff

Wanna get laid, ladies?

Well if you do, this is your golden ticket to gettin’ freaky. And I’m not kidding either. 

This perfume from Bath & Body Works, that smells of night-blooming white tuberose, ylang ylang, Indian jasmine and rare diamond orchid, recently snagged me a new man.

I wish I could say I’m lying, but I’m not. This is HANDS DOWN the most monumental perfume I’ve ever bought. And at $26.50/bottle, you reaaaaaally can’t go wrong.

Love it!

– Tiff

My Latest Guilty Pleasure…

…it ain’t Heroes or Nip/Tuck  anymore. No, it’s now Kath & Kim: My latest TV guilty pleasure. And I have NBC to thank.

Their take on this hysterical Australian-import is a rainbow of win. And I may even be one of the few people who like this show (the reviews haven’t been the best), but I could honestly give a rat’s ass. IT’S GREAT. And their casting choices of Molly Shannon as the embarassing mother, and Selma Blair as the self-centered daughter? Brilliant.

Also, you’d also never guess Molly Shannon was only 8 years Selma’s senior. I still haven’t decided if this is a compliment or not…

Anyways, there’s been three episodes aired to date and you can watch them all for free (and legally) on NBC’S official Kath & Kim website.

– Tiff

PS. If you’re a fan of the Scissor Sisters, you gotta watch the opening credits of the show below. “Cause your filthy, and I’m gorgeous…”

Fantastic song choice, NBC peeps. I’ve seen the Scissor Sisters perform this song live several times. It rocks.