Some People Just Can’t Handle It

And you know what? That’s ok. I’m not here to judge.

Living with paralysis is probably one of the hardest things any human being can endure. So if Daniel James, a British rugby player, wanted to commit suicide because he couldn’t deal with it, it’s totally his perogitive.

Last week this entire story came to light. It made (and still makes) my heart break. I’m not sad because he commited suicide. I’m not even sad because he felt hopeless. I’m sad because he was in this situation in the first place. Why hasn’t a cure for paralysis been found yet?? If we can put rovers on Mars, put men on the Moon, and clone sheep, why in the FUCK can’t we heal tiny areas of spinal cords that have been torn, nicked, or bruised?

I honor the memory of Daniel James. I know his pain all too well. This life never gets easier. It all boils down to how much you want to live, and what makes life for YOU worth living.

Question of the day: How much do you love life?

For me, family, friends, love, good food, music, movies, traveling and seeing the world (even from a wheelchair) make my life worthwhile. I’m not ready to call it quits, but then again I wasn’t a hugely talented rugby player on the brink of hitting the big time before my injury. That’s a lot to lose.

RIP Daniel James. I honestly don’t blame you.

– Tiff

Transformer Tiff

Seriously, I’d be ok with this. If stem cells can’t cure me in my lifetime, I’d have no beef in taking robotic technology instead. Potato, potatoe. So…do I look sexy or what?

Don’t know if you’re in the loop or not, but there’s been a lot of research happening this year in the robotic technology field (2008 is the Year of the Rat afterall, symbolizing activity, hard work, and renewal), giving hope to people with spinal cord injuries everywhere; providing real belief that being able to walk again will happen in their lifetime (with ReWalk being one of the companies that’s gotten the most attention).

Check this bad boy out (yet to be featured on this blog…I think): The HAL Exoskeleton Suit.  Pretty rad, huh?

– Tiff

Found It, Cause I Rock

Ok, my friend C really rocks, but it’s all the same to you now isn’t it? See, not too long ago I blogged about peelable toenail polish, and now “I’ve” found peelable fingernail polish. Score indeed! The company that makes it is Incoco and it’s only available at Walgreen’s. Watch this YouTube vid to see what all the fuss is about:

Cost? $4.99. Want more info? Check out Incoco’s Dry Nail Polish here.

– Tiff