Tiff’s Target Buy of the Week: Lindt Chocolates

Lindt’s Petit Desserts for $7.99!

Target is selling the exact same box that’s offered on Lindt’s website for less than half the price ($7.99 vs $20.00). This is a deal that no chochoholic can ignore.

The box has these awesome little “faux” desserts, with everything from lemon tarts and creme brulees to tiramisus and macaroons; a seriously wicked box of chocolates.

Wheelchair life getting you down? Pissed that Britney is such a waste of space? Stressed about Barack’s chances?

Eat a Petit Dessert chocolate. It’ll help. I promise.

– Tiff

Grey Eyeshadow and Pink Lips

This was a weekend kingmaker the all of the cabin-fever inducing, stay-inside-or-you’ll-die, weekends. It lingered around -10 – -20 degrees here all weekend, and I wasn’t about to go outside and suffer; no matter how badly I wanted that Cinnabon from the mall. So instead, my boy and I hunkered down and watched two seasons of “24,” and then went off and watched our own programs in separate rooms. What can I say? My boyfriend isn’t always going to like to watch what I like. Case in point: The Girls Next Door.

I find Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends mildly entertaining, but sometimes the show just sucks you in so badly you can’t look away. I may not understand all of the babble that’s coming out of their spoiled, living-in-a-bubble mouths, but they’re good for a decent laugh now and then.

I noticed an interesting beauty trend amongst the girls while watching the show on Saturday night, They had all changed their makeup colors (only a true girly-girl like yours truly would notice that) from a lot of taupes and browns to greys and pinks. And I loved it! Bridgette (the eldest of the trio at age 32) looked the best in the new look, wearing a silvery grey eyeshadow along with a bright bubble gum pink lipstick. It was so complimentary to her bleached blonde hair. A great idea!

Now if you haven’t noticed, I too have bleached blonde hair. I was blonde when I was born, but as I got into my late teens it turned an ugly dark blonde/red color that could only be likened to a kid mixing a bunch a paints together in art class. Truly vomit inducing. So today, per my Girls Next Door inspiration, I copied their makeup look. So, what do you think?

“Angels Without Wings”

This has been known for awhile now, but for those of you not as fully into the know as everyone else, a really interesting/beautiful/controversial calendar called, Angels Without Wings, was published a couple of years ago by Italian photographer Gianfranco Angelico Benevunto. It features 12 photos of scantily clad/nude women in wheelchairs.Now, some of you may be wondering why? What’s the purpose? And to be honest, it’s in the eye of the beholder. Some of the images may be percieved as controversial, others may find them sexy, and there are others who may even find them absurd. I don’t know about you, but if someone wrapped-up my sexy nekkid bod in Saran Wrap and put Skittles in my wheels, then took a pic, I’d consider it art!

Check of the link above to form your own opinion! Ciao, chow my lovies

“Crappy” Food That Should Be Brought Back

Case in point Numero Uno: McDonald’s FRIED Apple Pie (and the Fried Cherry Pie, RIP).

Screw the wussy-girl Baked Apple Pie they’ve been pimping since 1992. I want me some fried tasty outer-shell, heart-attack inducing goodness. And why in the FRECK did such a genius corporation get rid of perhaps the best fast-food desert in the history of food in the first place? Was it to create easier prep or prevention of lawsuits due to magma-hot filling flying in your face?

Trans-fat/MSG being the reasons, I really don’t care…

Apparently (heard on the Internet grapevine), the tasty-schmasty fried apple pie can be found at McDonalds stores loacted in Walmarts (in various parts of the USA), and at overseas McDonalds in Australia, Lebanon, and other countries where apparently McDonald’s has deemed their tastebuds more worthy than mine/ours, whatever.

And hey, I’m not the only one who’s willing to picket outside the McDonald’s HQ in Oak Point, IL to get it brought back. Look at this guy’s website: McDonald’s Fried Apple Pie Loacator. And I thought I had an obsessive personality complex.

– Tiff

2008 Will Be The Year of the Rat

Happy New Year, devoted readers of my ever-updated blog! You may or may not be aware of this, but 2008 will be (according to Chinese astrology) the Year of the Rat. Yes, you read that right. A year is actually dedicated to the plague-causing rodent that is also know the disgusting (in my opinion), beady-eyed rat. Here’s a little insight into what we can expect in the rat-themed lunar new year:

“In the Year of the Rat (beginning on Feb. 7th), we can expect 12 months of plentiful opportunities and prospects not to mention being relatively free of turbulence, (which is great to know especially if you’re planning on making some long-term investments, starting new projects, or keeping the home fires burning brightly).”

“A Rat Year is a time of hard work, activity, and renewal.  This is a good year to begin a new job, get married, launch a product or make a fresh start.  Ventures begun now may not yield fast returns, but opportunities will come for people who are well prepared and resourceful.  The best way for you to succeed is to be patient, let things develop slowly, and make the most of every opening you can find.” 

So, I don’t know about you, but I take these things with a grain of salt. I’m not quite sure what to believe: Is this stuff totally, 100% true or is it antiquated hog-wash? We’ll never know. I do know however that a few years ago (2004 I believe), was the Year of the Monkey, and my friends brought it in with a banana-themed party, with mini-banana bread loafs passed out to each guest and crazy monkey-esque games that were played. So when February 7th, 2008 hits, what kind of rat-themed foods, games, etc, would be apropos for a Year of the Rat party? Ratatouille (the French vegetable dish, not the Disney movie), cheese, peanut butter served on faux mouse traps, “pocket full of puss” cake? The options are….the opposite of endless.

Happy Year of the Rat!


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Tiffiny Carlson



email: tiffiny@beautyability.com

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Burning Man UFO wheelchair.

The Beautiful Men of Minneapolis

One of my most favorite pastimes since locating to downtown Minneapolis is enjoying the visages of the beautiful men that work in my fair city. And there are quite a number of them I assure you. More than any girl like myself could ever need. With the high percentage of law firms, banks, and other corporate entities that are located in the downtown zone, handsome men in their 20s and 30s are everywhere; simply and fantastically, everywhere.

And when a cute gal like myself needs a boost on her Happy Meter, a jaunt downtown has always been the sure thing. It never fails. Seriously…what’s better than a tall, graceful man in a perfectly tailored suit, smiling at you as he walks by? Absolutely nothing. And on many a sad, depressing day when I can’t bear to live another minute with this wretched SCI, the sight of a beautiful man has always made me reconsider any preposterous thought. This is especially true when they say hi. Giddiness ensues…

Many say that women are God’s personal handiwork; that they are the most beautiful sex, but I disagree. A young, in-shape, and well-dressed man is at least comparable, and even fairer, if you ask me. Luckily, I’ve had a few notable beautiful men in my day. Some weren’t all that easy on the eyes, I’ll admit it, but the ones who were lovely…oh, I’ll remember them forever…

If my knees could go weak (you sing it SWV), these are the traits that will always and forever, drive me wild: Dark, chin-length hair, sexy eyes, broad shoulders, fashionable clothes, lightly pin-striped suits., cool shades, a low, husky voice, impeccable taste in food and wine, a witty sense of humor, an aggressive personality, graceful hands, and better taste in music than even me, which btw, I highly doubt is possible 🙂

Sans Les Panties

Did you know that wheelchair-users everywhere – like the old dude in the Hooveround at Barnes & Noble, the young Mexican dude (with a grill) rolling down 5th Street, the hottie in the powerchair at your favorite after work bar – are all going out in public without their panties on? Ha! That’s right, folks. The joke is on you!

Hey, it may gross you out or it may give you a laugh, but I know for fairly certain that over 75% of every wheeler you see out in public is going commando. I can assure you however it isn’t out of some sick and twisted perversion. It’s out of necessity!

That’s right: Panties are pointless. All they do is dig into your skin and leave marks (hello? sitting all day!), which could turn into sores, and then you’re sorely screwed. So don’t wear ‘em ok? Like anyone is gonna know 🙂 Save yourself the hard-earned dough you made at your customer service job this week, and instead of spending it on a pair of rhinestone encrusted black satin panties from VS, put it towards something more meaningful…like a bottle of some delicious Stolichnaya.

That’s right….sweet ‘n tasty Stolichnaya. Yummmms…..

– Tiff

Every C6 Quad’s Best Friend…

…should be this; the SUPER-fantastic enclosed makeup pencil sharpener. All your shavings get caught automatically in its plexi-glass enclosure. Now, how cool is that?

Brilliant, and 100% necessary, for any C6 quad with a hankerin’ to line her eyes a la Cleopatra…

Yours truly, Tiff