No Free Rides Episode #104: Katy Blake’s Crazy Rehab Ride

In episode #104 of No Free Rides, Katy Blake, injured in 2010 on a canoe trip, shares her journey post-injury about navigating the less-than ideal Medicaid situation in the state of Mississippi.

After receiving only 2 weeks of rehab and being sent home, Katy took it upon herself to raise money so she could attend the renowned Sheperd Rehab Center in Atlanta, and successful was she ever.

Katy ended up raising a staggering amount, but as you’ll hear in this episode, it was barely enough due to the high medical costs that are the norm now days.

Tiffiny and Katy also discuss her other rehab experience at the controversial Project Walk, which was funded by an anonymous donor, as well as her interest in painting that came about after her injury (and the awesome “Hoo Dat” owl painting she made for Drew Brees).

– Visit her site: Rehab for Katy

Listen via the player below.

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Show run time is 52 minutes


No Free Rides episode #103 – Matthew Celebreto, Founder of WheelStrong Sports

In episode #103 of No Free Rides, we are joined by founder of WheelStrong Sports, Matthew Celebreto, paralyzed nearly 10 years ago in a car accident. Tiffiny asks Matthew to share the story of how his workout site came to be, plus all the goodies you can find on his site, from videos showing wheelchair exercises to blog posts on how to eat the right way as a wheelchair-user.

Tiffiny and Matthew also discuss moving on after an injury and retooling your career, which is never easy, as well as living in the moment and not languishing, waiting for a cure.

– Visit the site: WheelStrong Sports

WheelStrong Sports on Facebook

Listen via the player below.

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Show run time is 47 minutes.

No Free Rides episode #102 – Rebecca Tripp, Ascender of Trees

In episode #102 of No Free Rides, we are joined by nature lover Rebecca Tripp, a paraplegic from Maine who participated in one of the coolest summer research programs ever with the REU Canopy Explorers that took her up into the treetops of Kansas (to gather lichen samples no less).

The lichen may not be that cool, but the bringing of multiple disabled students and non-disabled students into the trees sure is.

Tiffiny and Rebecca also discuss her injury 6 years ago, which was influenced by depression, and how she’s come full circle. Rebecca opens up about her difficult first few years after breaking her back, and how discovering she can still partake in nature, and not do it behind a desk, helped her find true happiness.

Listen via the player below.

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Show run time is 35 minutes.


Show Links

Application to be part of the REU Canopy Explorers in 2014

REU Canopy Explorers

Rebecca’s essay on her summer experience with the program

Podcast #101 – Quadriplegic Poet Travis Laurence Naught

Our very first poet on the show, Tiffiny is joined by Travis Laurence Naught, author of the book The Virgin Journals, a memoir of his 20’s on the topics of sex and disability; a fascinating look at one man’s journey. Travis discusses his disability and living way past doctor’s expectations, how he got into poetry and the fine art of the poetry slam.

They also discuss the Dexter finale, Halloween costumes and a Dexter-inspired costume he made, as well as dating and learning to be ok with being single. Good stuff!

Listen via the player below.

No Free Rides is sponsored by

Show run time is 55 minutes.

Show Links

– His blog: Original Poetry, Stories & Updates by Travis Laurence Naught

– Purchase his book: The Virgin Journals


Podcast 100 – Stephen Cluskey, Irish Quad Determinded to Provide Accessible Transport for All

Born and raised in the Dublin area, Stephen shares his awesome story of survival.  Injured when he was 18 in a fall, the now 29 year old is about to receive his business degree, which is incredibly apropos considering he just launched a website to help people with disabilities find accessible taxis in Ireland (with an app along the way too).

Stephen also shares his tips for getting around his country as a wheelchair-user, as well as the blood, sweat and tears he dedicated to rehab for 5 years post-injury. He also shares his epic story of meeting Bono and being invited to a recording session (yes really).

The Celtic Tiger lands right here on No Free Rides, and he drinks Heineken. It’s a good one, especially if you love Irish accents (*g*). Listen via the player below.

No Free Rides is sponsored by

Show runs time is 55 minutes.

Show Links

– Stephen’s accessible cab site: Wheelchair Taxi – Driving Social Change

– Stephen’s column in The Journal: “At 18, I felt invincible but a sudden accident left me paralysed from the neck down


Podcast #99: Jessie Hammond – Fashionista, Author and Depression Blogger

Born with cerebral palsy, but born with the ability to use crutches along with being a wheelchair-user, Jessie talks about existing in both the able-bodied and disabled worlds, and adjusting to her disability as an adult.

They also talk about her first book about to come out, Finding Nikki, an adult fiction novel about a woman bouncing back from a bad relationship.  Jessie also shares why she stated her depression blog, and when she finally told family she was depressed.

They also talk about Jessie’s obsession with fashion, staying classy, and her dream to start an adapted shoe business.  This awesome lady has figured out how to walk in high heels while using crutches. Now that’s talent. You go girl.

No Free Rides is sponsored by

Show runs time is 110 minutes.  Listen via the player below.

Show Links

– Jessie’s blog: Handi-Capable

Jessie Hamond on Facebook


Podcast 98: Jen Addis – motivational speaker & TV host

In podcast #98, Tiffiny invites the dynamic Jen Addis on the show. A C5-6 quadriplegic from Hancock, Wisconsin who’s been a mover and a shaker in the spinal cord injury community since her injury.

Three years after her injury, Jen entered the Ms. Wheelchair Wisconsin pageant, winning it and setting off her motivational speaking career at the same time. Now 13 years later, Jen has become an amazing speaker and is branching out onto TV; a natural fit for the sunny disposition she emanates literally inside and out. She is also a blast to listen to.

Check out the podcast and listen as Jen and Tiffiny talk about her injury and how she was able to reinvent herself. Also, they talk about an awesome fashion show coming up, This Is How We Roll, in Wisconsin this October. They’re looking for 50+ fashionable women, men, kids of all ages. You can get a model application by visiting Jen’s site for the event here, Inspiration Speaks.

Our little podcast No Free Rides is sponsored by EasyStand.

Show run time is 54 minutes. Listen in the player below.

Links from the episode

– Jen’s official site: Inspiration Speaks

Read Jen’s column “Hey Jen!” for mobileWOMEN


Podcast 97: Neil Picone – wheelchair bodybuilder

In podcast 97, Neil Picone, an IFBB Pro wheelchair bodybuilder from New Jersey is on the show (he was paralyzed 6 years ago in a motorbike crash), and boy is he awesome. With an upper body that is better than most guys and a sweetheart to boot, this relatively new bodybuilder has an amazing story.

In this episode, Tiffiny and Neil discuss everything from dating and how he gets a lot of stares to his training regimen (and diet) and his plans for 2013. If you’ve ever wanted to sneak a peek inside the world of wheelchair bodybuilding, then this is your chance.

Listen below. Run time is 50 minutes.

No Free Rides is brought to you by Easystand


Neil Picone Ifbb Pro on Facebook

Neil’s bio on


Podcast 96: Annette Hormozian

In podcast 96, Tiffiny is joined by Annette Hormozian, a wheelchair ballroom dancer from California who’s been dancing her entire life, both before and post injury (she was injured 24 years ago when the car she was riding in went off a cliff). Annette grew up doing belly dancing and traditional Assyrian dance, but transitioned to ballroom dance a couple years ago.

In this episode Tiffiny and Annette discuss how she got back into dance and finding her self-esteem after her injury, why dance is an opportunity to erase stereotypes and her recent journey into wheelchair ballroom dancing. She even won 1st place last year at the American DanceWheels Foundation’s 1st Annual Wheelchair Dance Competition (at Cheryl Burke’s Mountain View studio) last year, winning the power wheelchair division.

Annette also shares her secret for keeping her dress out of her wheels while she dances (not easy!), how wheelers can regain their confidence and more importantly, how people interested in wheelchair ballroom dance can try it out themselves.

Listen below. Run time is 55 minutes.

No Free Rides is brought to you by Easystand


Visit American Dance Wheels Foundation

Watch wheelchair ballroom dance videos from American Dance Wheels


Podcast 95: Scott Rains, inclusive travel expert

In podcast 95, Tiffiny is joined by inclusive travel expert, Scott Rains, a quadriplegic who’s been hired by tourism businesses and governments all around the world to teach them how they can become more universally accessible.

In this fascinating interview, Tiffiny and Scott talk about everything, from his injury in 1972 from a tumor on his spinal cord to how he retooled his career to become an inclusive travel expert. They also discuss accessibility in places he’s visited (and he’s been on every continent, except Antarctica), including a country he’s visiting often right now, Brazil.

Listen below. Run time is 50 minutes.

No Free Rides is brought to you by Easystand


– Visit Scott’s blog: Rolling Rains