Daily makeup tip

When it comes to mascara, it’s all about the wand/brush, not the actual makeup.  So be sure to note the wand before purchasing. This is why I love Maybelline Great Lash. It’s cheap as hell, the makeup is nothing spectacular, BUT THE WAND, oh, the magical wand…it does amazing things to my lashes.

Look for wands with very defined brushes (these ones will separate your lashes more, which in the process will make them appear longer).

– Tiff

Tinted Lip Balms

I’m constantly getting bored with my makeup routine. The latest makeup product I’ve decided to mix it up with is lipstick. Instead of blah blah boring lipstick (and lately I’ve been feeling it looks like you’re trying to hard when you wear it anyways), I’ve been experimenting with tinted lip balms.

I love these! They’re good for your lips, they give you the perfect tint of color, and the best part, they make your lips look kissable. Here are some of my favorite tinted lip balms on the market.

Pixi Rose Lip Treat. $12. Available at Target. Contains Vitamin E, rose extract, and comes in rose or fawn.

Burt’s Bee Lip Shimmer. $5. Available at most drug stores. Contains sunflower oil, and comes in 13 colors.

Benetint Lip Balm. $20. Available at high-end department stores. Contains Vitamin E, SPF 15, and comes in rose (and smells like roses too).

Are there any other brands out there I’m missing?

Also, if you already have plain lip balm on hand like I do (I have three new, uncolored, Lipsmackers in my makeup case right now), you can make your own tinted lip balm by removing the lip balm from the tube completely, nuking it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds, adding a hint of color by adding a little bit of eye shadow or lipstick, and then you can put it all back in the tube for instant tinted lip balm.

– Tiff


While watching CNN this past weekend, I was inundated with a wacky commercial for EZ-Combs, the latest hair accessory to be peddled on TV infomercials.

At first glace I wanted to vomit. It looks pretty fugly. Am I right or am I right? But then they started to demonstrate how you use it, and then I realized me – a woman without any finger control – might be able to use it on my own.

It looks simple enough: Insert one side, stretch it and pull it to the other side of your head, then insert the other comb. Sure, it may look ugly, but being able to put my hair up on my own on a sweltering summer day? Priceless.

I can always put a bandana over the whole EZ-Comb emsemble anyways.

Has any quad-ess used this baby yet?

– Tiff

And So It Begins

Look! Obama’s only been President for 2 days and look how science is already moving forward: FDA approves embryonic stem cell study

The FDA was able to finally approve Geron Corporation’s embryonic stem cell human trials yesterday, which have been on hold for years thanks to Georgey boy’s influence over the FDA. Being that his administration banned Federal funding of embryonic stem cells in 2001, other governmental offices were also influenced in all viscinities of embryonic stem cell research, whether it was known publically or not.

But not anymore! With Obama as president governmental offices like the FDA can now decide freely.

So very soon, a lucky 8-10 acute injured people will be getting embryonic stem-cells injected into their injury sites. They’ll be closely monitored (duh)….and I’m sure crazy awesome things will happen. Will they be fully healed? Nope (at least that’s my guess). But if they even get their pinky movement back that’s something.

When I attended the World Stem Cell Summit last fall, every researcher there stressed how vital embryonic stem cell research is compared to adult stem cell research. Embryonic stem cells, they say, hold the most promise.

People like me, the “dinosaurs” of the SCI population (I’ve been paralyzed since 1993), cannot be involved in the study due the scar tissue that’s formed over the years. A little FYI for ya: Even though it hinders any possible neve regeneration, our human bodies are programmed to put scar tissue around the damaged area of the fragile spinal cord. Getting the scar tissue off it so the stem cells can get to it? Yeah, not easy.

I’ll be following this study like a hawk. Look for updates as they’re released from Geron.

Yay science!

– Tiff

All Day Lipgloss?

On a whim last week I bought a tube of Maybelline’s Super Stay gloss (in a pretty pink tone to break-up the winter blahs).

I’ll admit I doubted it’s ability to really stay. “Gloss? Really? All day?” But I’m here to announce to the interwebz that yes indeedio, this stuff really works.

Tip: Apply it as evenly as possible. It can easily shift over your lip line before drying all the way, and will look totally ridiculous (and it’s not easy to fix/wipe off). So be careful.

And yes, it does cost a few more dollars than your average lipgloss, but the fact that it stays on a helluva lot longer is worth it. And do I really have to mention again that lip color that doesn’t need to be reapplied all day is a good thing for women like us?

– Tiff

PS. Is Maybelline paying me to pimp-out their products yet? *echo*


Anyone who spends nearly $5k on a pair of pumps needs to be shot.

Christian Louboutin Simple Croc Pump: $4,645.

What’s with the ridiculous price, Christian? Was the croc killed to make these the famous croc from Romancing the Stone or something?

I get my sexy pumps from Target, thank you very much. Like these babies. And they’re only $29.99! They may not be real croc and they may not last 50 years, but do I really need them to? I get sick of most shoes after a few years anyways.

PS. Even if I had the money I would never waste it on shoes this expensive. I’d rather go to Paris for a week, which you could easily do for $5k.

Dame Edna Makeup Line On the Way!

Are you a fan of the glamorous, iconic Dame Edna Everage just like me?

If so (and if you’re a hardcore fan of MAC Cosmetics), then this is a happy day! Pictures (and descriptions) have just been released to the public and the collection looks divine!

It will be available for purchase after the holiday season, and look at Dame Edna’s famous eye glasses decal on the compacts?! There’s also plenty of products in Dame Edna’s signature color: Lilac.

OMG squee!!

Check out all the fanciful details here!

– Tiff