My New Fav Eye Cream

And it’s not even made for eyes. That’s usually the best way to find things anyways.

Last month I made friends with a woman nearing 40. And she looked 30. Her skin was immaculate, so I asked her what her secret was. She said BeautiControl’s Regeneration Extreme Repair Hand Therapy. It’s made for hands, but it contains Alpha Hydroxy and she swears by it (she too found out about this lotion via word of mouth).

Consider this my public service for the month, people. Not only is this stuff amazing, it’s cheap too! For a mini-size (which is all you need because a little goes a long way) it costs only $4.50.

I bought my current tube on eBay. If you Google this stuff you’ll find it all over the net, so make sure you shop around to get the best deal possible. Look young AND save $!

You can’t beat it.

– Tiff

Technology Shows More Hope, AGAIN

Have you guys heard about this exciting new development in technology helping people with paralysis move again?

Monkeys move paralyzed muscles with their minds: AMAZING! (a 10 minute vid from 60 Minutes)

Again, I’ll happily use technology as my minion to walk again. Screw stem cells. THIS is future!

– Tiff

It’s Here!

Today is Election Day. Crazy as it may seem, this election season is finally coming to an end. Will you be sad to see it go? Relieved? However you end up feeling after today, pleeeease: MAKE SURE YOU GET OUT AND VOTE!

Things To Know:

– Did you register on-time, or can you register at the polls in your state?

– Because of your disability, were you able to cast an absentee ballot early, and without any problems?

– Are the lines extremely long where you vote, and are election officials making you wait in line even if your disability makes it painful? (I heard in some states they’re making disabled individuals bring someone with who can wait in line for them, and then they just wait in their car).

As you can see, for some of us, voting CAN be extra work/stress, but should you allow it to silence your voice, and NOT vote? Hell no. Hell. No.

May EVERY vote be counted, and Happy Election Day!

– Tiff

Wanna get laid, ladies?

Well if you do, this is your golden ticket to gettin’ freaky. And I’m not kidding either. 

This perfume from Bath & Body Works, that smells of night-blooming white tuberose, ylang ylang, Indian jasmine and rare diamond orchid, recently snagged me a new man.

I wish I could say I’m lying, but I’m not. This is HANDS DOWN the most monumental perfume I’ve ever bought. And at $26.50/bottle, you reaaaaaally can’t go wrong.

Love it!

– Tiff

Transformer Tiff

Seriously, I’d be ok with this. If stem cells can’t cure me in my lifetime, I’d have no beef in taking robotic technology instead. Potato, potatoe. So…do I look sexy or what?

Don’t know if you’re in the loop or not, but there’s been a lot of research happening this year in the robotic technology field (2008 is the Year of the Rat afterall, symbolizing activity, hard work, and renewal), giving hope to people with spinal cord injuries everywhere; providing real belief that being able to walk again will happen in their lifetime (with ReWalk being one of the companies that’s gotten the most attention).

Check this bad boy out (yet to be featured on this blog…I think): The HAL Exoskeleton Suit.  Pretty rad, huh?

– Tiff

Found It, Cause I Rock

Ok, my friend C really rocks, but it’s all the same to you now isn’t it? See, not too long ago I blogged about peelable toenail polish, and now “I’ve” found peelable fingernail polish. Score indeed! The company that makes it is Incoco and it’s only available at Walgreen’s. Watch this YouTube vid to see what all the fuss is about:

Cost? $4.99. Want more info? Check out Incoco’s Dry Nail Polish here.

– Tiff