SCI Superstar: Amanda McGrory

One of the most successful wheelchair athletes in US history, Amanda McGrory is reigning royalty of the US wheelchair racing circuit. With four Paralympic medals to her name, including gold in the 5,000 meter and 22 marathon wins overall worldwide, she’s now a professional athlete with two national sponsors.

But adapted sports weren’t the first thing Amanda thought of after becoming paralyzed. She went through the typical morning period before discovering her life’s passion – wheelchair racing. Check out her story of fanciful wins below! Read this entry

SCI Superstar: Chuck Bittner

With the tongue-in-cheek gamer nickname ONLYUSEmeFACE, Chuck Bittner is one of the world’s most impressive gamers. As a C5 quadriplegic, Chuck plays console games using only his face and since 2011, he’s been on a mission to bring universal key remapping to the gaming industry.

In layman’s speak – he wants every console game to allow players to change which keys on a controller control movement for gameplay. He has amassed hundreds of signatures over the years, and he’s still pounding the industry hard.

Also a hilarious self-dubbed “can’t stand up comedian,” Chuck has introduced a whole new world into life with quadriplegia. Here is his awesome story. Read more

Ms. Wheelchair Montana 2014 is a mom, wife and gun advocate

One look at rolling red-haired beauty Starla Hilliard-Barnes, and you probably wouldn’t be too surprised to hear she’s Ms. Wheelchair Montana 2014. But you might be surprised to find out a few other things. An avid dirt biker and the devoted mother to a 2 year old girl, this 26 year old paraplegic isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty.

Her journey into paralysis however wasn’t that long ago. Having already run for a national pageant title and won, as well as founded a nonprofit dedicated to help others with disabilities explore the world via outdoor adventures, she’s taken her accident and made something good out of it. We love people just like her.

A fighter, dreamer and epic survivor, this is the beautiful story of the Starla Hilliard-Barnes. Read this entry

Fire Dance: Best of Wheelchair Salsa

For a style of dance that’s only been around since the 1970s, salsa has gone on to become one of the most popular styles of dance. And wheelchair salsa is just as popular.

Quick with intense Latin flair, it’s hard to find a style of dance that has been adapted so well. Whether it’s a couple enjoying the dance or a dazzling group performance of wheelchair salsa dancers, there are some amazing wheelchair salsa videos out there too.

We’ve scoured the internet for the best-of wheelchair salsa videos and uncovered three you’ll absolutely love. Watch and feel the beat yourself. Read this entry

SCI Superstar: Kevin Brooks

“I don’t quit, you don’t quit.” This is the mantra of Kevin Brooks, one of the most memorable and well-known motivational speakers in Canada. Paralyzed in 2000  when he was just 21 years old, Kevin has gone on to put a silver lining on a bad situation, making a difference in the lives of the thousands who have heard him speak.

But becoming a motivational speaker didn’t happen right away. Responsible for a car accident that not only paralyzed him from the waist down but killed his childhood friend, feeling motivated was the last thing on Kevin’s mind the first couple of years.  He finally however met Rick Hansen, another well-known paraplegic from Canada, and his entire outlook changed.

Read on for Kevin Brooks’ unforgettable story of unlikely perseverance in the face of paralysis. Read this entry

Wheelchair Sledding Craziness

Wintertime isn’t all about staying inside. Venture to the nearest snowy hill, and what do you see? A bunch of people sledding, and it’s possible for you to get out there too!

From using a common household item like a laundry basket to harnessing the brute power of sled dogs to pull you up the hill and back down again, there are ways you can still get out there and experience the thrill of sledding even if you can’t walk.

Dreaming of riding that icy hill too? Check out these three accessible sledding videos we’ve uncovered below. Read this entry

SCI Superstar: Ashley Lyn Olson

When you’re paralyzed at the age of 14, things can go two different ways – you can either use the change to change the world, or you can get angry about how you’ve changed. It’s only two different decisions really, and Ashley Lyn Olson decided to go the high road, and the world of travel has been her target.

Since 2009, she’s been blogging her travel experiences throughout the United States and beyond on her blog – – which is both a website, travel company, blog, social network and one of our favorite aspects – a truly amazing video collection.

Her travel knowledge even scored her an ongoing gig with the Abilities Expo, and she’s now spreading her travel knowledge to people in person; a perfect fit for this dynamic lady.

Read on to see how Ashley Lyn is weaving a more than satisfying life by living out her passions

Best of Overseas Wheelchair Tricks

It’s not every day you see someone in a wheelchair rolling down a staircase or spinning on their back wheels as they make their way down a hall, but these skills…oh they exist, and a lot of them come from overseas.

No doubt a product of their environment, people who use manual wheelchairs and live in countries with less-than accessibility have to get creative. No one likes being stuck, and boy do these folks know what to do.

Whether they’re flying over stairs or using monkey-bars in the park, chances are you’ll be in awe. Read this entry

SCI Superstar: Matt Scott

Look close…chances are you might recognize Matt Scott. By far one of the most accomplished wheelchair basketball players in the world, he’s been winning international wheelchair basketball cup titles since 2008.

He’s also a medal-winning Paralympian, a former Nike spokesperson and a nominee for an ESPY Award. It’s no understatement to say his life has been completely transformed by wheelchair-basketball, and the best part – he’s just a kid from Detroit.

From the Paralympics to kicking butt and taking names playing wheelchair basketball in Turkey, Matt has gone international with his superstardom. Read this entry