A New Year! Do You Need Love Advice?

Happy 2017! I hope you are healthy and relatively happy. My blog has been around for awhile (since 1996!), and my FT job as executive director of Spinalpedia.com has kept me busy…but my goal this year is to post more. If anyone out there is still reading 😉 I would love to strike up the Dating On Wheels advice column again, so if you have a burning question about this complicated topic, please send it to tiffiny@beautyability.com. I have been lucky enough to find a great guy, but oh my my has it been a struggle. Dating with a disability is hard. Dating is hard. But never lose hope.

Let’s chat ok! Keep my mind busy during the always blech Minnesota winters I endure.

Here is my special man in my life. We are at an on fleek (am I saying that right? lol) Cuban restaurant in Tampa, FL last year.

