The Thanksgiving Show

Listen to my latest No Free Rides podcast for It’s our annual Thanksgiving show and this year, I interviewed a paraplegic woman by the name of Julia, who lives in the Texas panhandle, and has been cooking the entire Thanksgiving feast for 6 years (and she’s only 26!).

Julia is married and is your quintecessential Texan lady. So listen to me BS with her about all the recipes she makes, tricks and tips she has for wheelers out there, and even find out how her and her hubby met.

Have a tasty Thanksgiving dinner everyone! I know I will.

Listen now!

– Tiff

“Body of War” Now on Netflix

And they’ve given it the awesome “Watch Now” feature, so you don’t have to wait for it to be mailed. Rock.

Check it out: “Body of War” on Netflix.

Since Obama won, this documentary about a paralyzed vet from the Iraq War (along with Phil Donahue, a co-director of the film) has been getting tons of buzz, especially when you compare it to the buzz it received initially (not a lot). After it premiered last April, sure it got some above-average reviews at Sundance, and was shown at conferences around the country, but that was the end of the “Body of War” hype. But now, with the possibility of the US pulling out of Iraq stronger than ever before, movies like this I’m assuming are going to continue to be catapulted to the forefront of the public eye. 

And is it just me, or does Tomas Young look a lot like Seth Green (except hotter, and with brown hair)?

Anyways, I know what I’m watching tonight!


My Latest Guilty Pleasure…

…it ain’t Heroes or Nip/Tuck  anymore. No, it’s now Kath & Kim: My latest TV guilty pleasure. And I have NBC to thank.

Their take on this hysterical Australian-import is a rainbow of win. And I may even be one of the few people who like this show (the reviews haven’t been the best), but I could honestly give a rat’s ass. IT’S GREAT. And their casting choices of Molly Shannon as the embarassing mother, and Selma Blair as the self-centered daughter? Brilliant.

Also, you’d also never guess Molly Shannon was only 8 years Selma’s senior. I still haven’t decided if this is a compliment or not…

Anyways, there’s been three episodes aired to date and you can watch them all for free (and legally) on NBC’S official Kath & Kim website.

– Tiff

PS. If you’re a fan of the Scissor Sisters, you gotta watch the opening credits of the show below. “Cause your filthy, and I’m gorgeous…”

Fantastic song choice, NBC peeps. I’ve seen the Scissor Sisters perform this song live several times. It rocks.

Watch, or Die

If you care at all about the awesomeness that is the birth of the United States of America, then you should really watch HBO’s John Adams miniseries. First off, the series was cast impeccably.

Paul Giamatti plays John Adams, the 2nd President of the USA, father of the 6th President of the USA – John Quincy Adams, Laura Linney plays his devoted wife, Abigail Adams, and Tom Wilkinson plays the quirky/bizarre, Ben Franklin. And the dude they got to play Thomas Jefferson is a dead ringer (I’d IMDB him, but hell, I got work to do people). 

The series starts out on the eve of the Boston Massacre – Adams’ hometown -and then goes headfirst into the revolution. It’s more than engaging. With the “real,” bumpy way it’s shot, it feels like you’re there. You feel like you’re sweating along with John Adams as he bemoans South Carolina’s royalist nature, and as he nearly dies in Amsterdam while petitioning the government for a 5 million dollar loan (which they were hesitant to do. The USA obviously had no international credit; then).

I would’ve posted this blog on or before the 4th, but I was busy getting my drunk on with inebriated Star Trek nerds at a comic book convention over the weekend. Geeks, believe it or not, party like rockstars.

– Tiff

A Kung-Fu Orgasm

Saw “The Forbidden Kingdom” tonight, starring the kick-ass duo of Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

FUCKING GREAT film! I heed you all, to go, go, see it!!

Subtlely funny, amazing fight scenes, and hey, when it starts out like “The Neverending Story” (kid getting bullied, finds himself in an alternate universe) what’s not to love? I AM a child of the ’80s afterall.


So if you find yourself bored this weekend, and not interested in a raunchy surrograte mother comedy (like “Baby Mama,” starring Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, which I’m TOTALLY seeing tomorrow), you really can’t go wrong with this dandy.

Have a happy weekend, my peoples!

– Tiff