SCI Superstar: Riley Poor

A lifelong action sports film director who worked for Red Bull, Riley Poor had to re-tool his career after becoming a quad. Now an executive producer at Nike, he’s someone you won’t forget. Also a relationship blogger with his gf Andrea (Poor House Love) and a new fan of adaptive gardening, read about Riley’s life (and see his awesome universal accessible home) in the city of Portland here

SCI Superstar: Barney Miller

You may have heard of disabled surfers before, such as Christian Otter Bailey and Jesse Billauer, but if you’re not familiar with the disability scene in Australia, chances are you’ve never heard of Barney Miller, a quadriplegic surfer who’s been feverishly raising money for spinal cord injury research since his injury.

What’s even more exciting is that Barney’s fundraising has recently gotten a huge boost thanks to an exciting new partnership Barney has signed on for with Red Bull, who’s decided to take on his cause by naming his fundraising goals the main beneficiary of a brand new worldwide marathon.

Also a fiance to one of Australia’s most well-known singer songwriters, read on for the story of Barney Miller. Read this entry