SCI Superstar: Scott Rains

Dr. Scott Rains may not hold a doctorate in magic, but he might as well, considering how he was able to transform his career post-injury. His doctorate is in ministry, but after some wise pondering post-injury he realized an opportunity presented itself to meld two worlds he loved – travel and the world disability community.

A true traveler in his soul, Scott has had the travel bug since his teens despite a spinal cord injury that could have easily waylaid him. And the career he’s been able to forge for himself – an international accessibility consultant – has helped millions of people worldwide. Read this entry

Podcast 95: Scott Rains, inclusive travel expert

In podcast 95, Tiffiny is joined by inclusive travel expert, Scott Rains, a quadriplegic who’s been hired by tourism businesses and governments all around the world to teach them how they can become more universally accessible.

In this fascinating interview, Tiffiny and Scott talk about everything, from his injury in 1972 from a tumor on his spinal cord to how he retooled his career to become an inclusive travel expert. They also discuss accessibility in places he’s visited (and he’s been on every continent, except Antarctica), including a country he’s visiting often right now, Brazil.

Listen below. Run time is 50 minutes.

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– Visit Scott’s blog: Rolling Rains