Where’s the Power Wheelchair Art?

There is an amazing trend going on in the wheelchair world right now – the crocheted wheel covers being made by Dutch designer Simeli.nl. These are fantastic and beautiful in every way. They make me want to take my old manual chair out of storage, dust it off, and buy a pair. Sadly however, I’ve been a full-time power wheelchair-user for years and these lovely wheel covers won’t work on my spoke-less wheels.

Power wheelchairs get no love. The beautifying accessories available to our cross-section of the universe are far and few between. Do you know of any power wheelchair accessories that enhance their aesthetic appeal? Am I uninformed about some amazing powerchair pouff that exists unbeknownst to me? 😉 Please share in the comments below.

Turning Your Wheels Into a Paintbrush

Creating art can be quite cathartic, especially if you’ve gone through a traumatic bodily experience like a spinal cord injury.  And while many people spinal cord injuries have discovered painting post-injury, not many use their wheels as their paintbrush. It’s a very cool growing art however.

From a manual wheelchair-user creating thin lines with his wheels to a power wheelchair-user creating art with a more robust tire-track look, check out three videos below showing one of the coolest art forms to exist solely because of a wheelchair. Read this entry