A New Year! Do You Need Love Advice?

Happy 2017! I hope you are healthy and relatively happy. My blog has been around for awhile (since 1996!), and my FT job as executive director of Spinalpedia.com has kept me busy…but my goal this year is to post more. If anyone out there is still reading 😉 I would love to strike up the Dating On Wheels advice column again, so if you have a burning question about this complicated topic, please send it to tiffiny@beautyability.com. I have been lucky enough to find a great guy, but oh my my has it been a struggle. Dating with a disability is hard. Dating is hard. But never lose hope.

Let’s chat ok! Keep my mind busy during the always blech Minnesota winters I endure.

Here is my special man in my life. We are at an on fleek (am I saying that right? lol) Cuban restaurant in Tampa, FL last year.



Wheelchair Dating Advice Direct from the Source

Everyone has an opinion on dating, but not everyone has one when it comes to the wheelchair side of things. Most people, let’s be honest, don’t even think about wheelchair-users in the realm of dating, but the truth is that many of us want to date or are currently dating. We too are in need of dating advice.

Fortunately there are a handful of wheelchair-users who love doling it out. They may not be as plentiful as the Dr. Ruth’s of this world, but they’re out there and they’re recording their advice just for you; and w00t, they’ve made some amazing videos.

Straight from the heart advice coming right at ya, here are three unforgettable videos from wheelchair-users on the sticky topic of wheelchair dating. Read this post

Bring On the Sassy Wheelchair Ladies

Every year young girls who use wheelchairs become the next line of fierce disabled women, and the latest girls to blossom into strong, proud women are making some awesome videos full of spunk and strong opinions; spectacular videos the world needs to see.

From calling out people on things that annoy them to showing some surprising sexuality despite the presence of a wheelchair, here are three fresh videos from female wheelchair-users who show us we have a bright future to look forward to full of strong disabled movers and shakers. Read this entry

Dating, and finding it’s possible

Fear is the number one feeling most of us feel when it comes to dating. And it’s especially no surprise that lots of people in wheelchairs are afraid to date. We can be afraid; afraid of rejection, explaining our disability, of being seen as a burden.

And then we just don’t even try to date. Don’t let that happen to you!  A wheelchair may make it trickier to find someone, but it’s never a roadblock. Just watch these three videos below about people’s positive dating with a disability experiences.

The first video is all about finding out the world is better than you thought. It features a beautiful Latina woman who was injured when she was just 11 years old. At the time of her injury, she of course wasn’t worried about boys or what her prospects in dating might lead to.

That kind of stuff wasn’t on her radar yet. But now, she’s a strong young woman who’s been dating, and she’s discovered some important things about dating from a wheelchair. Read this entry

Dating on Wheels: Newly paralyzed chef stuck with woman he doesn’t like

Dear Tiffiny,

I am a 27 year old chef and was recently involved in a motorcycle accident leaving me paralyzed from the chest down. I was really concerned that I would never date again and then in the hospital I met my current girlfriend and was really happy.

It’s been 5 months since the accident and now I am kinda realizing that I don’t know if I really like this girl at all.

Dating On Wheels: Dating newbie with CP afraid to say she’s disabled

Dear Tiffiny,

Hi, my name is angel and I’m a 19 yr old college student in Buffalo. Many of my friends have had a dating life; some are engaged. It always made me feel socially behind. I felt like i’d be in the “always a bridesmaid , never a bride situation.” I’m tired of that now. So I’m gonna try dating now.

9/26/12: Paralyzed race car driver ready to begin dating

Hey Tiffiny,

I was injured on August 13, 2005 racing motorcycles in Canada by braking my back. I was only 12 at the time. That was a huge change in my life with being paralyzed after. Up till I was injured, I had 14 national championships. I was having the time of my life! In 2007 I was cleared to start racing again which was very good!

By 2009 I had won another 3 championships racing go karts. In 2009 I started racing cars (kinda look like an IndyCar). In 2011 I was third in the Championship running with the best drivers in the U.S coming up the latter. This year is my first year running on a pro level racing cars. Its amazing! In a few years, hopefully I be racing IndyCar! I love what I do!

Dating On Wheels: Advice for a Lonely Lesbian

Hello Tiff-

I’m a 34 year old woman with cerebral palsy and I use a power chair. My first and only relationship was in high school. Dating with a disability is hard enough, but throw in the fact that I am a lesbian and it gets so much harder. The stereotype is that people with disabilities are not sexual beings, but then you throw in a deviant sexuality…

I am not in to the bar or club scene, but I am wishing I had someone in my life.

Thanks, Lonely Lesbian