Really, no need to be embarrassed for liking us

cuteI recently wrote a blog post on the bizarre subject of people feeling embarrassed for being attracted to wheelchair-users, as if it’s akin to finding a child or corpse attractive. I have been countlessly taken aback by backhanded compliments since my spinal cord injury stemming from this. Eg: “So and so found you hot, BUT he was too embarrassed to say so…to anybody.”

*Sigh* Having a SCI can be way too complicated sometimes. Read the entirety of my thoughts on this subject on Easystand – “Embarrassed for Being Attracted to a Disabled Person?”

Podcast 91: Mariam Pare – beautiful, talented mouthpainter

In podcast 91, Tiffiny is joined by Mariam Pare, a hyper-talented quadriplegic and renowned mouth painter from Chi-town.

They talk about her art, how she’s able to paint so amazingly well with her mouth and why she chose her mouth over her hands as the way she paints (she’s a C6 injury).

They also gab about dating (oh my), fashion and various (better) self-cathing options.