We’re Talkin’ About Oxfords, Ladies (and no, not the school)

There’s this really fun Fall trend this year that exists in the shoe industry, which they’ve decided to dub the ”Oxford.” It has the traditional male wing-tip accents and lace-up front, yet it’s all perched sexy-like on a heel. How cool is that?! This fine example (on your left) comes from one of my favorite stores, Bebe, and is long-windedly called the “Anna High Heeled Leather Spectator.” They cost $149.00, and are currently out-of-stock due to their popularity. But have no fear! Plenty of other sexy Oxford shoes exist.

Steve Madden (my hands-down fav shoe designer) has a “Reilly” Oxford this season, at a more reasonable price of $89.00. I’m particular to the “wine multi” fabric choice, but that’s just me. Go check out this sexy shoe to decide for yourself.  

And you may be wondering the best way to wear this heeled shoe successfully with your footplate. Coming from years of experience,  I highly recommend crossing your legs for starters when going out in-public. Heels being worn on paralyzed ankles tend to make the ankles get tipsy, in the process opening your legs. This is NOT a good thing, unless you’re trying to give your boyfriend a cheap thrill, of course 🙂

Other wheeled-ladies have also told me that they get their heels to work by pushing the heel all the way back so it slips off behind the footplate, with just the heel-part literally hanging in mid-air. I personally don’t like how this looks, but to each their own.

How do YOU wear your heels? That’s really the question of the day, I think.

– Tiff

Word of the Day! “Gallows-Humor”

And yes, we SCI’ers and other people with mild to severe disabilities are totally cleared to use it!

Definition: Gallows humor is a type of humor that arises from stressful, traumatic or life-threatening situations such as accidents, wartime events, natural disasters; often in circumstances where death is perceived as impending and unavoidable. It is similar to black comedy but differs in that it is made by the person affected.”


 Go ahead, make fun of yourself! It’ll make you feel better I swear!

– Tiff