Target Buy of the Week: SK Foundation Brush

I know, I know….my whole “Target Buy of the Week” series hasn’t exactly been a weekly thing. My apologies for that. My freelancing career has been going stronger than ever, so my leisurely visits to Target have been far and few between <insert Tiff’s whiney whine here>

But alas! I’ve found a Target-based blogworthy product recently. And even better, it’s getting posted today – a Monday – the most respectable day of the week (or so says Wall Street).

Sonia Kashuk’s Nylon No. 15 Foundation Brush for $9.99 is a VERY, very wise purchase, ladies. Why you ask? Well, here you go:

– Sponges are a shitty way to apply foundation. Sponges soak up your foundation and essentially waste your makeup, requiring you to buy more of your favorite (and expensive) foundation before you should really have to. And they’re bacteria-ridden! Ew.

– Same with the fingers. Applying foundation with your fingers/skin is not only hard to do (not even pro’s can do it this way), you’re foundation won’t go on smooth and will be cakey in various spots throughout your face. Definitely not a sexy look. Men hate cakey foundation. 

See, I use MAC’s liquid foundation ($20+/bottle) and I’ve found this cheap nylon foundation brush to be a boon to my makeup regimen. It seriously glides on my foundation like the most silkiest pair of stockings imaginable, and it’s only $9.99?! Do you realize at MAC, or at any other high-end makeup store, you’d be paying at least twice that amount?

This brush is so full of “win” I don’t even know where to begin…go buy it!

– Tiff

Free Stuff = Win

Who doesn’t like free stuff? Seriously. Even celebs go gah-gah over swag bags at awards shows and they have more money than GOD.

So here is my gift to you:

The Livejournal (LJ) “FreeStuff” Community

I just joined this community a couple of months ago and so far have amassed quite the collection of free shit. Even today I recieved some “fake tears” frrom Bauch & Lomb. Don’t need them. My eyes are fine, but HEY they’re free!

Oh this community is so full of win I don’t even know where to begin…

– Tiff

PS. You must have a free LJ account to join.

Evil Still Exists, People

Very sad , but something that needs to be shared:

Disabled Pregnant Woman Used As Target Practice, Dies

My question is a simple one: What makes people this cruel? She was obvious not a threat, she had the mentality of a child so they couldn’t very well hold her accountable for anything she may have said/done that might have pissed them off. But to TORTURE, IMPRISON HER in a basement for months on end….WHY, why, WHY?

What do they get out of this??

– Tiff

Wanna Lose a Few Pounds…

…but don’t have the money for a personal trainer or an expensive diet center? If so, then Spark People may be just the “diet help” website for you.

This website does everything from having a HUGE database that lists the calories for about every food in existence, to planning out your weekly meals, to online support groups.

My friend “C” is currently using their website and it’s the first time in years that anything has worked for her.

Go Spark!

– Tiff

The Perfect Convertible Summer Dress

This is not a dress, ladies. It may look like it is, but it’s actually a two-piece halter top/skirt combo.

This is the perfect garment for a 24/7 sitting-down fashion diva: No bunching at the waist, and even better, it’s MUCH easier to put on (have you tried putting on a dress lately w/o being able to stand? Horrendous!).

I also bought a pair of black “shaper” cotton yoga pants from this site with extremely long inseams (36″), and was very pleased.

You can buy this sassy black and white number for $69.99 from Long Elegant Legs.

– Tiff

“What Are You Looking At?”

Kevin Connolly is a bonafide hottie. He may have been born without legs, but that doesn’t cloud just how hot, and even better (and more notably), how TALENTED this guy is.

What makes him so talented? He goes around the world taking pictures (30,000+ so far) of people staring at him. As a disabled woman, the looks he’s captured are more than familiar. What a fantastic idea this is! I just love it. He’s taking the power back. And the photos from his point of view are just stunning (I want to buy a few!).

Kevin’s photography is growing in popularity even today, thanks to this awesome article One of his subjects.about him on Yahoo News. There’s also an excellent video segment posted in that link so be sure to check that out. It is REALLY good.

And….he travels around on a skateboard. Pretty sweet, Kev. You’re my new MySpace hero *smirk* (no really, check out my page)

Kevin’s website. The Rolling Exhibition

– Tiff