Poll: How Many of You Get a Flu Shot?

A simple “yes” or “no” will suffice.


– Tiff

PS. I’m contemplating whether or not I should get one. My doctor says yes, but my chiro says no. *sigh* But being that I’m a quad, this all worries me so.

  1. i never do, i knock on wood n get sick 1 time a year maybe but usally not during flu season.

  2. fair enough, but…do you have 5 different PCA’s coming in and out of your house like me? this makes me worried.

  3. Nope. I don’t. You go to a chiro? My doc said I should never because of the surgery that I had…

  4. 4 pca’s plus fill ins n trainers constantly n Diane cooks n cleans:)

  5. jolene, i have a plate in my neck, not my back, so it’s ok for me to get adjusted. i think it all depends on what kind of surgery you get after your injury.

  6. abe, cool. i need a diane of my own! 🙂

  7. Hi Tiff ,

    I have never got it . Ironically I would always be too sick to get it . I think you should get it becuase i have heard it actually helps but I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV SOO

    Good luck with your choice

  8. I always try to get the shot. My doc says I need the extra protection since I’m not mobile. I’m curious why the chiro says no.

  9. I never get one and I’m seldom sick. I push my chair so it’s like walking on your hands all day. So I’m guessing I’ve built up a good immune system.

  10. cathy, my chiro is a believer in holistic care and is also against booster shots, and unneccessary surgeries or medicine…

  11. is that you drewchoice? 🙂

  12. oic, i guess i’m just skeptical of chiros in general because one once told me he could “cure” my cp. give me a good osteopath (also into holistic and can do manip).

  13. It’s (C-6 soulmate) Drew
    I see a chiro from time to time. She tweaks me in my chair, which is great.

  14. oh my “soulmate” drew! i’ve been wondering where my soulmate has been all these years 😉

  15. I get one every year. No quads need a chest cold. Last year I got a pneumonia shot, lasts 10 yrs. I like you Tiff, have a few pca’s and the could be incubating a bug anmd leave it at my house.
    I had a bug 10yrs ago that went to my chest and I had to sleep sitting up in bed to breath which cause a tailbone bedsore which took 3 months to heal. I learned.
    You can guess what I suggest you do.

  16. I used to get horribly sick all the time after my SCI. About 7 years ago I started getting the flu shot and have only gotten sick 2 times since. I also get the pneumovacs … helps me greatly. My sister gets sick everytime she gets the flu shot … so she stopped … I’d say, Tiff, ask yourself what you have done in the past and how it worked for you.

  17. My doctor says it stops around 10% of flu strains – but still, 10% is better than nothing. I’d get the shot.

  18. I’ve never gotten a flu shot, and I can’t remember ever getting the flu- probably when I was little, but definitely not in the past 10 years. Good luck deciding!

  19. I am a paraplegic and have gotten a flu shot every year since the early 1990’s. In that time, I’ve never had the flu, and the shot has never made me sick. So I vote, obviously, for you getting one.

  20. I got the pneumonia vaccine a couple of years ago. The last two years, I have been lucky enough to not get sick during flu season. This year, however, I didn’t want to risk it. If I were to get a chest cold, it would be such a pain… So, two weeks ago, I got my flu shot. I didn’t get any side effects. I’m happy with my decision. 🙂

  21. got the flu once back when I was walking. nasty shit. but, I don’t get vaccinated now either.

  22. I get one every year.

  23. *waves to thinkingitover*

  24. I got them every year for about 10 years when I was walking. This year, as a para with lot of neuro pain, I got one again (thinking the last thing I need is the flu), and since I HAPPENED to be keeping a pain diary at the time, it’s the only explanation for INCREASED pain ever since (4 weeks, so far). I’ve had to discontinue PT since! My primary and rehab docs said “No connection.” but my pain doc said, “Sure could have caused the increased pain.” Oh, and HE never gets the flu shot.

  25. K, tad late but lemme tell ya for next season 😉
    I always get one. I get it for free at work but if it had to come outta my pocket, I’d get it as well. Have done so for the past 20 years.
    Can’t afford to get a fever and be stuck in bed. Fever = very bad for the butt. There’s a direct relation between body tem and pressure sores. Keep cool is the key.

  26. Tiffiny, I’m curious why your chiro says not to get a flu shot?

  27. My chiro believes there’s too much iron in a single dose.

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