Bill Murray plays FDR in “Hyde Park on the Hudson”

I’ve always loved FDR. He made it cool to be in a wheelchair (even though he didn’t want the world to know he was in one). Ok, maybe “cool” isn’t the operative term. “Badass”….yeah, that’s more like it.

FDR essentially turned the word “invalid” upside down. You can imagine how excited I was then when I saw the preview for Hyde Park on the Hudson last night.

It’s a new movie profiling a snippet of FDR’s life in the summer of 1939, starring Bill Murray as FDR and Laura linney as Daisy Stuckley. Read this entry

Ready, set, time to get old?

You never think about getting old after you sustain a spinal cord injury, but before you know it, you’re 18 years post (not cool!).

Staying healthy is huge in our world. Watch a great video interviewing 5 people 18 years post; what’s changed and tips galore.

Plus – two more videos, one of shoulder pain prevention, the other on pressure sore prevention (did you know you have to eat 3x the amount of protein when you have one?). Read this entry

Three amazing wheelchair comics

Three hysterical comedians with spinal cord injuries:

Chuck Bittner (pictured), a C5 quad from New Hampshire doing some stinging self-deprecating “wicked” humor and Damon Rozier, a para from NYC, doing a “wheelchair lap dance.”

Also watch legendary UK Cockney comic (wc-user from polio), who passed away this spring, Tony Gerrard. Read this entry

Meet zen-filled paraplegic Josh Dueck, landed the first back flip in a sit-ski

An aspiring Olympic skier from Canada injured in ’04 when he became a ski coach (to save up money to train himself), Josh has become one of the most amazing sit-skiiers in the world, landing the world’s first back flip in a sit-ski this past February (and getting on Ellen).

A yoga guru and one cool dude, he’s also been nominated for National Geographic’s 2012 Adventurer of the Year Award. Read this entry

SCI Superstar: Chanda Hinton Leichtle

After dropping to 58lbs because of chronic pain that came out of no where 12 years after her injury, Chanda Hinton Leichtle’s life was transformed by acupuncture, massage and chiropractic care (& yoga!).

Learn all about the biggest guru of alternative therapies for people with spinal cord injuries, and her foundation, The Chanda Plan Foundation. Read this entry