SCI Superstar: Skydiver Jarrett Martin

In Jarrett Martin’s world, the place he loves to be the most is in the sky – free-falling at 100 miles an hour with the wind in his face. But after his injury five years ago, he feared the one thing he loved the most would no longer be possible.

Jarrett grew up in a family-run skydive business; skydiving was and still is in his blood. The notion of no longer skydiving was never something he was willing to accept, and he never had to. Within months of his injury he was back skydiving, but the AMAZING thing about Jarrett’s return isn’t just the fact that he’s back in the sky, it’s everything he’s also done and making history in the process.

Photo courtesy of Max Haim

To find out all the things Jarrett has been up to since his spinal cord injury, read this post

Wheelchair Football American-Style, Take II

Last year we first blogged about the American-version of wheelchair football, and it’s been growing in popularity. There have been several new videos made on this sport over the last year too, and we’d love to share them.

Your NFL team may not have a chance this year, but wheelchair football could definitely use your support. For a look at an adapted sport that allows both manual and powerchairs on the field, read on for the latest videos from the hut-hut world of wheelchair football, and don’t forget your helmet. Read this entry

SCI Superstar: Jordan Bone

Beauty comes in many forms and Jordan Bone, a C6 quad from Norfolk, UK, may be one of the best examples of this age old adage. Injured 10 years ago in a freak car accident when she was just 15, Jordan has gone on to become one of YouTube’s rising makeup vloggers, and 2014 has been her year.

From being honored by the UK’s Prime Minister for her tireless work in road safety to being interviewed by some of UK’s top makeup artists, Jordan’s fame is skyrocketing. A popular motivational speaker for the Fixers organization as well, who knows what the future holds for this dynamic lady.

To see how a woman can pull herself out of depression with just a camera, high quality makeup and an eager audience, read on for the awesome story of Jordan Bone. Read this entry

Extreme Water Adventures with a Spinal Cord Injury

Gentle swimming with a therapist this post is not. You can leave your floaties and zen music at home. We’re profiling all of the extreme water activities people with spinal cord injuries can do, and even we were impressed. From “barefoot” water skiing to jet skiing, the water can be our playground.

And even better – the world is slowly realizing we are not fragile things. With the right equipment, we can do nearly any water activity able bodied people can do, it just may take a  bit more time.

Here are three videos we’ve uncovered that exemplify this beautifully. Read this entry

SCI Superstar: Sang-Mook Lee

You’ve likely heard of Stephen Hawking before, but have you heard of Sang-Mook Lee? Called the “Stephen hawking of Korea,” Sang-Mook is a world famous oceanographer and professor from Seoul National University. He’s been studying the ocean on the earth beneath it for years, and he’s only been paralyzed since 2006.

Sang-Mook’s story is one of the ages. He may have been injured at the height of his career, but he fought hard to get back to his everyday life. Within six months he was teaching again, if that gives you any idea of the dedicated and true scientist that Sang-Mook truly is. Read this entry

Holy Impressive: 3 Challenging Wheelchair Cardio Workouts

Cardio is all about getting your heart beating as fast as possible. The harder you get it to beat, the more calories you burn. However, not being able to move your legs makes this a bit more tricky. A massive upper-body workout is a must.

Gone are the arm bikes of old, and in comes some impressive replacement ideas – CrossFit being the main source Whether it’s pulling a tire from behind your wheelchair or doing a rope workout, here are three cardio videos that are sure to blow your mind. Read this entry

SCI Superstar: Tresa Honaker

Teresa “Tresa” Honaker, of Grass Valley, California may have only been paralyzed for 2 1/2 years, but she’s already made history as the first wheelchair aerialist. A lifelong dancer and gymnast who became passionate about aerial performing later in life, she founded the aerial group Air Aligned in 2002 to foster her new love.

An injury however two years ago while doing the very thing she loves the most – experimental aerial work on silk ropes – injured her, taking away her ability to use her legs and forever changing the way she does aerial work (keyword “changing,” and not taking away).

Tresa’s now back at it, and she’s learning how to do what she loves in a brand new way. Read on to see how Tresa is balancing her new life with her life’s passion. Read this entry

DIYs by Spinal Cord Injured Folks We Love, Pt. II

So many DIYs (do-it-yourself), so little time; that is the theme of all of the awesome homemade videos being made by people with spinal cord injuries. They can sometimes make what they need, and save a bunch of money in the process. We’ve profiled some awesome DIYs in the past, and we’re at it again.

In this installment we’re profiling some impressive custom wheelchairs, as well as an art project almost anybody can do at home (and definitely something fun to do over the winter).

If you’re looking to save money, these are the videos you want to watch. Read on for three brand new DIY videos to hit the web from people with spinal cord injuries. Read this entry

No Free Rides Episode #107 – Criptaedo Founder Paul Brailer

In podcast #107, Tiffiny is joined by Paul Brailer, founder of Criptaedo, and they discuss the beginnings of his new organization dedicated to helping people disabilities get healthy again.

Seven years ago when he was 35, he made a dedicated effort to finally get healthy after two close friends, who also had spina bifida, passed away from poor health.  He is now a black belt in Taekwondo, and is passing on everything he’s learned.

Hear some great tips, like a $200 accessible gym you can buy at a mainstream store (Tower 200 Body by Jake) to the mighty secrets on protein, from helping you build muscle to healing pressure wounds like magic.

Paul also shares how he met his wife, who’s a paraplegic, and tells a really funny story about a teen who tried (keyword: tried) stealing his hip pack after he the became a black belt. And don’t forget to help Criptaedo apply for 501-c3 status; what’s needed to become an official organization. You can do so here: GoFundMe Criptaedo

– Learn more: Criptaedo

– Connect: Criptaedo on Facebook

No Free Rides is sponsored by

Show run time is 44 minutes. Listen via the player below.

SCI Superstar: Barry “Bazza” West

Barry “Bazza” West, a C4 quadriplegic from Framfield, UK, may be the most active quadriplegic in the world. With no movement below the shoulders, he’s racked up an impressive list of extreme sports he’s done since his injury.

Mouth darts, downhill skiing, flying with just his head, kayaking, skydiving, paragliding, SCUBA diving, mountain climbing, even trimming bushes using a robotic arm, Barry refuses to waste time he still has on Earth. “We have only one life,” as Barry likes to say, and he definitely lives by his words.

Above all, Bazza is an unforgettable motivational speaker who’s all about “getting cracking” with life; a mindset we absolutely love. Read on for the absolutely awesome story of Barry West