Perfect eggs with the founder of Ms. Wheelchair Utah

Meet Meg Johnson, the hip/2012 version of the happy-go-lucky housewife and she’s doing in all on four wheels.

Her injury was a wild one; in 2004, Meg leaped onto a boulder that wasn’t stable enough while she was hiking. The fall broke both her femurs, her arms, collar bone and C7 vertebrae (ouch indeed).

Now home and queen of her domain again, Meg is making some of the best how-to videos for quads/wheelchair-users I’ve ever seen. Did I mention she founded the Ms. Wheelchair Utah pageant too? Yeah, she’s all warm and fuzzies.

The adorable Meg lives in a farmhouse in northern Utah (with her just as adorable husband Whit). After returning home, the number one thing she wanted to do (after learning how to put on makeup) was how to do everything around the house again.

Well, mastered it she has, and now she’s sharing her tips in “Meg’s Movies”…read this entry