Podcast 92: Damon Boiser – Mahalo is his middle name

In podcast 92, Tiffiny is joined by Damon Boiser, a lifelong resident of Hawaii, who was injured doing what he loves – surfing – 9 years ago.

They talk about Damon’s interesting (and sometimes tumultuous) journey to recovery on the Big Island (traveling there from Kauai).

And they discuss his discovery and love of three adrenaline-soaring sports that have helped fill the void that surfing left – skydiving, karate and Aikido.

He’s the first person to directly land in their wheelchair after a skydive in fact!

They also discuss the power of humor after an injury, the laidback awesomeness of Hawaiians and my favorite part – Hawaiian references in Dirty Dancing.

And learn about Damon’s quest to journey stateside physical therapy (which he badly needs). Tiffiny also shares her latest struggles with finding a doctor who actually listens, and her opinion of the latest Bond film.

Listen below! Run time is 58 minutes.

No Free Rides is sponsored by Easystand


Check out Damon’s first skydive (and it shows him landing in his wheelchair!)

Pictures of Damon skydiving with famed skydiver Damon Tucker

  1. Loved this podcast! I wonder how I could get started in soo bakh do in my city? Also, I feel sad that Damon has to be in a foster home. Where is his family?? Can’t he stay with them? I want to try skydiving because of him, even if I don’t get to land in my chair lol.

  2. Thanks for listening, Justine! Yeah, its sad Damon has to live in a foster home. Here’s the US Federation’s Soo Bak Do site to help you hopefully find a location – http://soobahkdo.com/.

  3. You’re welcome! I listen every month 🙂 I wonder if I would need to join a class specifically for wheelchair users, or are they supposed to accept me and accommodate the moves for my abilities?

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